Friday, September 16, 2011

Questions to ponder

So the name of this blog is "De' Tinker's Thoughts" which is slang (or whatever the term is) for "The Thinker's Thoughts". And since I'm De' Tinker, it naturally implies I do some thinking. I have many posts already on here about my thoughts on matters. But this post will be different. I will simply ask you some of the questions I've been asking myself, and see what kind of answer you have; or just let you continue to think about them. I will also have a couple of statements in here, please tell me your response to those as well.

The borrower is slave to the lender. And America is called the "Land of the Free". So why is America over 14 trillion dollars in debt?

Why is it that someone who kills a pregnant woman can be convicted of double murder, but if that same woman has an abortion she was just exercising her rights over her body and did not commit murder?

Evolutionists say that they don't allow religion to effect science. Science, real science, the type of science that allowed us to walk on the moon, go to the bottom of the sea (parts of it), fly around the world in a single day, and so much more, is all observable and repeatable. Evolution involves something in the past that can't be repeated or observed, but instead have faith in their beliefs of the past. Does that sound like a religion to you?

Many Christians put so much effort into the latest health fads or whatever the worlds says is the right way to become healthy. Why do they try to use man's methods to achieve a God given potential for health? Why not use the Creator's methods to achieve the potential for health He gave us?

People who don't believe in a higher authority often talk about morals. Without a higher authority, there is no absolute for morals. So why do they punish people for what they believe to be wrong?

Why can kids no longer play games like tag or hide and seek (amongst many others)? These were staple games amongst kids when I was younger. Are they really "unsafe", or have the kids and their parents just become to soft?

In Evolution, it is said there's a chance for anything to happen given enough time and chance. I have come to realize that Time and Chance are the chief gods of Evolution. The third being, Imagination.

There is a multi-million (probably billion) dollar industry in health and fitness. They try to sell you all these fancy equipments, meals, and routines. However, it doesn't matter how fancy, simple, cheap, expensive, complicated, well thought out, easy, hard, etc your routine/diet/or whatever is. If you don't do you or use it, it just plain sucks. It's even worse when you use it/do it and it sets you back.

Why is it that decades before steroids people were setting verifiable strength records that have gone unbroken today with all of our "knew knowledge" in techniques and technology today? Some of these even being from the late 1800's.

If the Old Testament takes up over three quarters of the Bible, why do so many people talk about it less then one fourth of the time?

If mankind truly started out dumb and has gotten smarter, as atheists and evolutionists like to believe, then why have we found batteries several thousand years old? Or temples designed to have their own natural air conditioning requiring no power or maintenance for several millennium? Or pyramids that are thousands of years old yet built in such an advanced way that we couldn't repeat it today?

Why in America is it okay to question the government but not Darwin, when in many other countries you can question Darwin but not the government?

Why does America believe that teaching people to rely on the government will make them more productive and boost the economy?

Why is it people used to care for each other, help the sick, and feed the poor because they wanted to help, and now that the government is in charge of all that, no one helps (for the most part)?

The majority of people's food comes from some kind of grain (I won't even talk about all the processing). However, our digestion system isn't designed to digest grains and such, nor I body to process it. Our digestive tract is of more a medium length, suited more towards meat or ideally fruit (and vegetables). Our teeth range from blunt molars to sharp canines. We are omnivores, and are best suited for a majority fruit diet. I wonder why people are fat these days...

When America was founded, it was believed that the more kids you had the better off financially you would be. Why has that belief been reversed? Why do people assume that the more kids you have means the less money you will get?

In a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson was the famous quote "separation of church and state". What people don't realize is that it is often misquoted. In context, Jefferson was saying that the Constitution had built that wall of separation by saying that the government could not declare an official religion, therefore protecting people's right to freedom of religion. People now use the quote to get prayer out of schools.

The only type of person who is completely safe to pick on (the list is building) is a Christian adult white heterosexual male with no deformities or mental problems. If you choose to pick on anyone else, you are either a racist, sexist, bully, heartless, homophobic, non tolerant, or are discriminating in some other way. Why is this?

Praying in schools has been banned in schools and the workplace because it is considered unconstitutional and offensive, yet it is still just fine to curse in those same places? Cursing is offensive, but still part of our right to free speech all the same as praying.

It is taught these days that fat is bad. However, it is also taught that without fat we would die. How is this?

It is considered conventional wisdom or whatever that eating raw meat is bad (and will kill you). Show me a lion, bear, ape, shark, eagle, maggot, or any number of other animals that get sick from eating raw meat.

That's all for now, I may write another post like this sometime or write posts about one of these questions/statements. Please tell me your thoughts on these, even if you pick one and say a quick one sentence reply (I would like a lot more though).


  1. 'Tinker, love your questions and will be back to discuss more - time limited just now.

    First regarding the debt and freedom. You are right tying them together. The reason for the debt and loss of freedom is "social justice" versus "equal justice". Liberals feel superior in their moral/ethical positions. In short they feel their positions are "Absolute" which puts them on par with God ... more later.

  2. Kids can't play tag anymore? Really? Have they been to a park lately?

    Just a Biblical times, if one didn't work, one didn't eat. It was God-directed for people to help widows and orphans, but everyone else tried or died. Welfare is a recent "innovation," but it involved actually working in order to receive a paycheck. MEN (and my father was from that era) would have died in order to provide for their families. When the money finally runs out, we may see a return to Biblical times (starvation) in a really big way. Instead of hoarding gold, my thought is that fruit/vegetable seeds might be the better idea. Jes' sayin'.....

  3. This is a great compilation of thoughts. I think that the logic on the last one was off. As humans are different from those animals, we might react to things differently.
    On the one about discrimination towards the end, a theory is that people have a tendency to accuse others of discrimination to make themselves fell superior. They target the "non-minorities" because they are conjectured to be privileged, which is not always accurate. It also improves the left's self-esteem to be pictured as a crusader for the "minorities", even though they are just attacking the "majorities" and not really improving life.
    I think that we should try to undo racism and stuff like that by forgetting about it, not by causing more problems. We can live together peacefully by not assuming things are racist, and not hiring to achieve a racial "quota".
    Being everything on your list except adult (I'm 14) is worrisome. At least Joe Biden and many other left-wingers fit the description, so I still have jokes to make!
    Was that a good enough comment? I can give more, if needed/if I fell like it.

    1. It certainly was a good comment, thank you. And yes, the last one about animals did have logic a bit off. The purpose wasn't for it to be perfectly logical, but more to inspire one to think about the situation, similar to a rhetorical question.

      Racism and other forms of discrimination can be destroyed if we simply forget about them. People say that racism is nearly gone because we elected a black president... but if racism was truly gone, would we even notice he was black?

      Also, being adult isn't about age, it's a matter of your maturity ;)

    2. Ah, now I understand, it was just to get us thinking. Mission accomplished.

      I've been saying that, as well, about how, if racism was gone, we shouldn't notice that Obama is black. But, the media and politicians spin it to say that he is black, even though he is half-white and was raised by the white side of his family!

      As we all come from the same two people, we all one race. And in evolution, EVERYTHING is one race and one species, as it all came from the same, well, nothing. Either way, there aren't clear lines and it is therefore impossible to destroy racism without forgeting about it.

  4. I agree that evolution is a religion, and that it should be known as "Evolutheism". The main principles of it are that everything randomly came from nothing, and therefore there are no absolutes (except for the fact that there are absolutes, of course). This last part has allowed it's many followers to bring in many other contradicting religions and in that way, they are making their own homemade religions. That is why you have people who celebrate Christmas, say they belive in a god, yet not the one of the Bible, per se, talk about karma, believe in evolution, say that reincarnation is possible, and do whatever they want to do, no matter if it is right or wrong.

    I think that there is an answer to the one about teaching Americans to rely on the government: the schools are ran by them, and the media is at least allied with at least one party. George Bernard Shaw, whom I disagree with on a lot of things, said "a government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul." I would continue it to "a government that robs 49% to pay 51% can always count on winning the election." Many Americans nowadays have no concept of freedom, morals, or self-relience, and that will end up hurting us, I fear.
