The name of this post might imply another rant, but that's not what it's actually about. Here I'm just talking (or thinking aloud) about the closest to perfection that man (as in, mankind) can reach, and my experiences in that. I once heard a quote to the effect of "perfection is right in front of us, yet always out of reach". Basically that means we can always find something to do/add/remove/change/etc to improve something, make it a little closer to perfect, but it will never achieve that perfection. This is the only way man can move towards perfection. And this is what I'm doing.
I've been doing just that with my workouts. I remove some stuff, add others, and am otherwise refining it. I keep on taking steps to make my workouts, and there for myself, a little more perfect, even though I will never actually get there on my own. This will be a continuation, in a way, of a previous post, "The perfect workout".
The basic premise I outlined in that post for making the perfect workout was:
1) make it simple and
2) DO IT!
Just those two steps. It may sound simple, and that's because... it is. I don't want to repeat that post, so if you want more info read it yourself. I will just be explaining how I have been "perfecting" my own personal routine.
Right now the routine I'm trying to work with (meaning use and refine) is in two parts, routine A and routine B, used on alternate workout days. I workout Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and alternating between A and B would look like this over two weeks:
Monday: A, Wednesday: B, Friday: A
Monday: B, Wednesday: A: Friday: B
This allows me to work very hard on the selected exercises, lift heavy weights, workout the entire body throughout the week, and exercise three times a week, while still getting plenty of rest. Now to tell you what each routine actually is (mind you, I'm still refining it).
Routine A:
Moderate weight (enough for at least 5 reps) cleans
Heavy weight (enough for about 3 reps) power cleans
Light (enough for usually 8-12 or more reps) overhead press
Moderate-light behind the neck press
Heavy Dumbbell overhead press
Light Barbell curl
Light Good morning
Routine B (this is the one that's really under construction):
Light weight Front squat
Light weight Overhead squat
Light weight bench press
Light (might try moderate) weight incline dumbbell bench press
Light weight squat
So in theory, I should have plenty of time to recover so I can always see improvement without risking over training. This has gone through some work, for instance I was originally planning on one routine I did three times a week, but some of the exercises (mainly the cleans) required more resting time. I also have taken out a couple exercises I didn't enjoy (therefore wasn't putting lots of effort into, wasted energy on, and might have one day made me not do the workout), mainly the bent over row (barbell).
I decided to do the two alternating routines after I had done the first part (A) and was very sore on the next workout day. I had still wanted to workout, but I knew if I did it would be over training. So instead I did different exercises that for the most part left alone the muscles that had been heavily stressed before.
Now I have in set up so that routine A hits mainly the arms, shoulders and back while routine B hits mainly legs, chest and core. Of course since these are compound movements, every exercise uses nearly every muscles, but only certain ones are stressed heavily enough to worry about. I don't know how much this routine of mine will change, but I will be sticking with it for at least this month. Who knows what it will be like next month?
Anyway, this is just me learning and gaining experience. This is how man's "perfection" works in everything. Adding, removing, changing things to try and (hopefully) improve them and move towards perfection. And for right now, this workout routine is pretty close to perfect as far as I'm concerned.
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