Thursday, August 4, 2011

Think of the little things

How often do we think about the little things that happen every single day? Such as why a red light turned green at a certain time, or which foot we put first and why. These little things we pretty much take for granted, and don't even bother thinking there's any rhyme or reason to them. However, if you believe as I do, they were all part of a grand plan. That brings me to something I realized a few weeks before writing this post. One of the little things...

Hopefully if you've read this blog before you will know that one of my favorite (okay, my absolute favorite) artist is Jackie Evancho. Her story, as far as most of the world is concerned, is that she first surfaced on America's Got Talent because of a Youtube audition. It is this audition that I'm talking about here. From what I hear (this is not simply my opinion, but what I've heard from people who know a few things) she is arguably the best singer in the world, if not history. Even before she auditioned on AGT. However, for whatever reason, her first two normal auditions were never accepted and she did not get to stand before the judges.

Thinking about that one day, I realized something. There was a reason for that. When most people audition on that stage, they come up to introduce themself then do their thing on the stage. Here's an example of how a normal audition in front of the judges works:

I use this video of Anna Graceman because I am currently listening to her while I type this post.

However, things ended up different for Jackie. As I said, she auditioned twice but was rejected and never got to stand in front of the judges in a normal audition as Anna above did. Instead, one year AGT decided to incorporate a Youtube Audition, where the audition with most votes would make it into the 12 finalists (if I remember correct). Well, she was by far the most voted audition from what I hear. And because of her being refused two years then brought in because of the Youtube Audition, she gets a nice stage setup for her performance:

The lights are setup, there is the fog, and just the whole mood has been set. If she had been accepted on one of her other two normal auditions, none of this would have happened. But, because she was waited two years (willingly or not), her first performance in front of America was made wonderful. Far better than a normal audition.

I wonder how many other fans have thought about this. It's the little things like this we don't think about, or even complain about. Many fans would say it's a stupid thing that she wasn't accepted sooner. But I say, it's a good thing. It allowed her to grow even more skilled, and have a beautifully setup stage with everything focusing on her for her first big appearance in front of America. It set it up for her to blow us away even more than a normal audition.

So why am I bringing any of this up? Because I believe that all these things, big and small, are part of a plan. Jackie Evancho's first appearance in front of America was setup by someone far, far beyond this world. He had a great plan, and it involved Jackie being revealed in this way. She was revealed to the UK in a similar way, as a guest on Britain's Got Talent:

(You have to actually follow the link, as embeding is disabled)

The stage was set, and I don't mean that in a literal way. We can't look over the little things so easily, they have meaning. They have signifigance. So sometime you should just stop and think about these little things that happen to you, or have happened. Maybe as you think about them, you will see part of the bigger picture. When I was thinking about the signifigance about Jackie's first appearance on AGT, I suddenly saw part of the bigger picture. Give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% about the circumstance of Jackie's introduction to the world. The prep and timing was/is providential.

    In my own life I have learned to be patient for things to work out the way they were meant to be. :-)

