Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Mind of a Miracle

What is one of the best ways to increase the effectiveness of any body? Not just the body of an animal or person, but of a business, or even country. The answer (or at least one of them)? Give it better leadership. Take an ordinary business and give it an incredibly good CEO, and that business can soar. Take an ordinary computer and upgrade it's software, you can do a lot. One of my favorite examples of this is with Hannibal the Great of Carthage. Carthage and Rome were at war, Rome being greater at this point. So Hannibal took an ordinary army from a weak nation and caused havoc in the very homeland of Rome for years; going as far as the gates of Rome itself. Rome was a great empire even then, but when a weaker enemy was given a great leader, they were at risk of being destroyed.

Another one of my favorite examples is giving a person a very good brain. By simply having a brain, the thing that controls and leads the entire body, work differently, all sorts of things could happen. That person could have increased discipline, learning ability, and the capability to do things at a young age that normally takes people decades to learn. Well are there people like this? Yes, they are usually known as prodigies. Do I happen to be talking about a specific prodigy? Yes, I am. Her name is Jackie Evancho.

Here is an example of what she can do:

This is an older example too. At the present time, it has been more than a year since this was recorded. In that amount of time, she has improved as much as normal singers improve after several years. She has even come out with a cd, called "Dream With Me", produced by David Foster. She improved so fast, that after recording the cd's, Foster actually stated that he wanted to go back and rerecord them. She had improved greatly in a matter of months.

People had been speculating for a long time about how she could be so good, on a physical basis. Jackie herself states that it is a gift from God, and I fully agree with her. However, that still left me wondering how He chose to bless her. Then I watched an interview that mentioned a good theory:

The brain. It all made sense. By simply changing the way her brain worked, it would explain how her little body could be decades better than it should be. It has superior leadership. Not just in singing and understanding music, but the fact that she can learn songs very quickly and not forget lyrics (to date, I have not seen of or heard a SINGLE instance where she forgot lyrics), amongst many other things. A superior (at least in many aspects) brain would change the way the whole body works, just as giving a business a far superior CEO. Her mind would also help explain why she acts so mature, but that I attribute mainly to how she was raised (well done Mr. and Mrs. Evancho); however, the fact that even in interviews she is so quick and clever can also be attributed to the way her brain works differently.

Of course, this is all just a theory. But once I heard this theory, everything made sense.

Another aspect of this that was explained was how she responds to music. When she sings in front of a large audience, it seems as if she goes into a trance or something. Her mind is absorbed by the music.

Here is an example:

Notice how at the end of the song, she has so much emotion on her face than seems to come out of a trance or something. She was drawn into it. Her talent and love of singing, along with many other things, all make sense when you consider that it could be her mind that is different.

Of course though, we can't forget who gave her that mind. I hope she never forgets. Many say she is the last messenger, or one of the Almighty's last rays of light into the darkness before the end times. I feel she might have a purpose to that scale. Could her incredible mind be the Creator's choice for directing a few more eyes towards him before His wrath comes crashing down? I will be waiting, watching, and praying.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent writing as always. There have been a couple of time when Jackie lost concentration, but these were due to distractions and fatigue.

    I'm one of the many you refer to above, but would modify the thought to say "...may be the last messenger ..." I'd also enlarge the time period to include the "end times" and possibly beyond. Everyone has their own definition as to what the "end times" are. So, it is better not to go there other than to say that there is no end to time in that time is necessary for an event horizon. Revelation 10:6 "...that there should be time no longer..." in today's language would mean more along the line of time has run out - it's high noon at the OK Corral. That it for a definition of what the end times aren't. It is however a very dark time both figuratively and literally. My thought is that not only time but space and matter must also exits.

    I have a number of ideas as to Jackie's importance, but in a way I think she feels instinctively the hope and healing that she can bring. Has it struck anyone else that the theme of "Dream With Me" takes us through separation of loved ones (Lovers) through death to a Time both of life in Eden (Imaginer) and future to a Time for Us. Jackie puts together the total history of mankind. If you like the theological side, read J.W. Montgomery's "Where is History Going." John is not an eschatologist but a Canadian Jurist. Tinker, this is one for you. If you like Lewis you'll like Montgomery. He is kind of an odd duck, but brilliant.
