Saturday, August 6, 2011

Adolf Hitler, A Miracle To Mankind

To be honest, I'm hoping this post stirs up a little bit of controversy. I do rather enjoy having debates about my views, as it gives me a great oppurtunity to refine my arguments and hopefully teach someone something.

Anyway, to the actual reason of this post. There are many discussions (some of which I've actually started) about who defines morals without God, and other similar things. What's right and wrong without the Bible? If God doesn't say it's wrong, then who does? We can't trust the Bible and it's morals, it's changed to much. I think you get the point. It comes in many shapes and forms, but it all centers on morals in a world without the Almighty.

So now, let us pretend for a moment that there is no All Powerfull and All Knowing Creator above us all right now. Then the only other commonly accepted solution is evolution. And according to that, Hitler is one of the greatest things that happened to mankind, and someone we should all strive to be like. If there is no God, the Hitler is one of the greatest role models.

Don't believe me? Let's take a closer look.

The theory of Evolution is all about survival of the fittest, right? Well, purging the species of the weak would certainly guarentee less competetion for the strong, therefore keeping the entire species stronger. If you take out all the old, sick, deformed, ect. the species as a whole is "improved". What did Hitler do?

If evolution is the answer, then anyone who furthers the cause of the species should be seen as a hero. So then why do we see Hitler as a villian? Probably... because ever since man breathed his first breath right and wrong was defined by the Creator in his heart. Only later did the pagans think of things like evolution or a pantheon of gods and goddesses to replace the one true God.

As the Creator of everything, the Almighty has the right to declare right and wrong. And all of us, as part of creation, are obligated to obey His laws. However, He did give us the option to choose otherwise, a right we did not and do not deserve. Also, as the Absolute Authority, He is the only one can can declare an absolute moral principle. So if He says murder is wrong, then it's wrong, not matter what we think. If He says (as He told the Jews before Christ) that the punishment for adultery was being stoned to death, then we have no authority to say this is unjust or to extreme a punishment.

However, if you remove this absolute authority, then we decide for ourselves. So if one person says he believes murder is wrong, I can just kill him and move on with my life. I have no reason not to, especially if I am a fitter part of the species. Then I would simply be doing my job as the superior being! This is also what Hitler and many other people thoughout history have done. So if there is no God, who says they were wrong? If you remove God and the Bible, then simple logic dictates that they should be commended.

Think about it. They (being Hitler and the Nazi's) killed thousands of weaker people who were sick, old, deformed, or otherwise "inferior" subjects. They did experiments on these subjects which helped further science. They used weapons and tactics that allowed them beat back their "inferior" enemies. They weeded out the weak to allow for the stonger members of the species to continue without the weak gene pool. All those left wounded, sick and dying all around Europe, or even the world, were all a good thing because with them out of the way the species would be improved.

Now if you look at this same scenerio with the morals cleary defined by the Creator, you can see that what Hitler did was dispicable. When you look at it through the Almighty's high moral standards, I can't even describe how horrible the things Hitler did were. I wouldn't know where to begin! And since America was founded on Chistrian principles, and Christianity (or at least Judiasm) was such a major part in the history of the rest of the world (considering it was the same Creator for the entire world and all of mankind), it is no wonder we see Hitler as such a horrible man!

Oh, but there's more. If we take the Creator and the Bible out of the picture, hospitals should be closed. So should orphanages. And so should so many other things that we consider "good". Because if it's survival of the fittest, then these things are merely allowing the weak to water down the gene pool and drain the resources of the strong! So those people starving in Africa that I hear so many people talk about, if evolution is the answer, we should let them starve. After all, if they can't take care of themselves, why should we do it for them?

But once again, if you look at it through the morals defined in the Bible, we know that things are far different. All these people, no matter how weak or strong, are made in the image of the perfect Creator. Each of these people would be loved to an unimaginable extent, and allowing them to die without care would be a pretty bad thing.

I could go on for awhile with examples from either side, but the final decision is up to in your mind. Who defines moral absolutes? Us or the Creator? Was Adolf Hitler a curse... or a blessing?

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