Thursday, June 2, 2011


That oh so common comment you see on just about everything these days. Everyone is so happy to be the first to comment on something that all they can think of to say is "first". But, since this is my first post, I decided to name it just that.

I decided to make this my more intellectual, or philosophical, blog. My other is more science fiction with a comedic edge. This will be about deeper, more serious stuff.

So, the thought that made me finally decide to start this blog:


Yes, very deep, serious, intellectual and philosophical, I know. I just came off a fast this morning, and my mind was going over our society's view of food and everything involved with it. You want to know what I came to realize? Almost everything involving food in these modern days (in America I know) is sinful and just wrong. We eat to much, to often, and we eat stuff that is so far removed from the way the Almighty created it that it isn't even funny. Yet, we say all this is healthy!

Let me explain further, laconic speech won't help to much with any controversial subject I bring up. We live in a society that says homosexuality, nudity, sex before marriage, bribery, disrespect, thievery, adultery, idolatry, and so much more is acceptable, and christians try their best to stay out of that and usually disagree with the world's view and that stuff (unfortunately, many christians are giving in). We live in a society that has taken the Creator out of as much of the created as possible, perverted everything they can, yet we still say their views on food and health are correct! But we say their views on morality are not... hmm, something seems wrong to me.

If the Creator wanted the Creation to stay healthy, why would he make health attainable by technology only available, at most, two times so far in history (one of those times is today, the other in ancient history. A subject for another post)? What about all those thousands of years where people were still living in little wood houses and using axes to chop wood for heat? They didn't have all the processing equipment to make our modern, "healthy" food. Why would anyone do something that stupid? Lead alone the All Powerful, All Knowing Creator of the Universe? No, he made it so we could be perfectly (at least as perfect as we can be in the fallen world) healthy without the aid of modern processing technology.

Let's start from the beginning. When He, the Creator, created the world, everything was a vegetarian. Also, everything was more efficient. We were protected from the harmful rays coming from outer space, had a thicker and more energizing atmosphere, had higher quality soil, ect.... making all the plants unbelievably healthy compared to anything today. Every living beast of the earth and foul of the air, as well as man, could get all the nutrients they needed from eating these plants in their natural form. There are some theories that they could have eaten fish too, something about the word for life describing fish as opposed to describing other animals being different in Greek and therefore fish weren't alive in a certain way, but I'll keep it simple and just say everything was a vegetarian in the beginning. No cooking or processing required, other than that which the body did naturally during digestion.

Move forward to after the fall. Death and degradation came into the world. Carnivores started appearing (the animals already existed before, they just ate plants; possibly a subject for another post), and in an estimated less than 1700 years, there was the flood. During that time, the world hadn't degraded, or "died" enough that we needed to eat animal products at all. We still had the protection from space, the thick atmosphere, really good soil, good plants, ect. It was still similar to the way things were when they were made "very good". Of course, sin was rampant, but biologically things were a lot closer to the beginning then they were today.

Then the flood happened. It fundamentally changed the entire world. Some of our protection from space was gone (and continues to deteriorate today), the atmosphere had changed, and several plants that might have fed us the right mix of nutrients possibly went extinct, amongst many other things that happened after the flood. Something interesting I noticed was, immediately after the flood receded and Noah and his family were back on dry land, was the fact that the All Knowing told them they could eat animals now. I realized, just hours before typing all this, that this was probably because He knew they could no longer get the all their required nutrients from plant matter alone. So mankind was allowed meat, by the Law of the Creator, for the first time.

Fast forward an estimated 4,300 years to today. The quality of the food has degraded so much it makes me want to laugh! Why do we think that processing it by man's methods will make it better than it grew under the Creator's Laws? If anything, the farther from the beginning we get, the less we should process the food, not more. You want to know why we do it? Because the Enemy, Satan, wants to remove the Almighty out of even the food we eat! Including, how we eat it! That, along with so much else stuff, all of which relating to sin, is why we eat both so much food and food of such low, processed quality. I'm not saying that eating a twinkie is a sin, per se, but the fact that we have so far removed food from the way it was created with purpose, and the fact that we eat much more than we need to, is the sin.

I realized another aspect of this when I was whittling down a secret stash of candy I had. I was eating a reese's egg, taking little bites and savoring the taste of each as long as I could. It took my probably three minutes to eat that one reese's, and it was very enjoyable. I was thinking of eating a second, when I realized if I did it would be gluttonous, selfish, and therefore sinful. I was shocked at that revalation, and decided not to have another. Then I thought over how everyone else eats. I realized it was very sinful as well. We eat far more than we need to, far more often, and we appreciate it very little.

The best part? If we ate our food the way the All Knowing, All Powerful, All Existing Creator meant us to, we would not eat to much, we would not eat to often, and what we ate would be the highest, undefiled quality we could get. Wait a minute... that sounds a lot like a few diets I've heard about; such as the Paleo diet, The Primal Blueprint, Spartan Health Regimen, ect... All of these encourage eating things in their natural state and not eating more than necessary. This philospy sounds very good to me. Eat as the Creator meant us to eat. But, why do so many people refuse to do this, or worse yet, even call this unhealthy!? Because, we have tried to remove the Creator out of everything He created. Including our diets.

If you have any questions, comments, anything, just leave a comment. I have more thoughts on several other things, so keep watching!


  1. wow that's long,but soooo good.

  2. Your writings are consistent will old Jewish and Christian literature. If you don't mind I will later go into detail regarding scientific and theological aspects.

    You are very bright to have come up with as many ideas as you have. The first thing you should look up is the Canopy theory. We can go in to extra-dimensional concepts as to where the 3rd heaven is along with other ideas on which you have written. You might have fun with George Gamow's "One, Two, Three ... Infinity." Also look over Lambert Dolphin's writings. You are going to need a fair idea of Planck's time and space. Maybe Enoch 2 regarding "heavens" and extra-dimensional ideas. We can touch on some interesting things.

    Have fun with this. You have covered a lot of ground.

  3. Thank you. This is something I had been working on in the back of my mind for quite awhile. I read a few good books and stuff which also helped me along, but your suggestions sound great! Thank you for the comment, I will try and check them out.

    I would appreciate it if you went into detail. I will be having more posts up, many of which deal heavy in science and scientific theories. As well as history and theology and such. Since these are almost the same thoughts that go through my head, I would like any errors to be corrected as soon as possible. That way future theories will more likely be correct.
