Let me take you back to the beginning really quickly:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
Yes, when I said "Let me take you back to the beginning" I meant it. Back to the very beginning.
I will just be going back over my thoughts I've had recently.
So for anyone who truly believes what the Bible says, the Almighty created the universe and all that is in it. That obviously includes the stars and the galaxies. Now to just step back, and consider what that means. When you step out at night and look up at the sky (provided you are somewhere that allows you to see the sky) the moon plus every single speck of light was created with merely a few words. It was created with such ease, the Almighty didn't even lift a finger. Now, these little specks of light aren't really so little. Here's a video that should better illustrate this:
Now when it went from our moon to Mercury, I was already thinking "Why even bother?" I'm not entirely sure what that meant, but I think it meant "Why even try to do anything impressive", or something like that. But, the moon to Mercury was only the first comparison in that video. I can't even remember which part of the video I just stopped trying to comprehend the size of the planets and stars compared to earth. By the time it got to Canis Majoris, I had completely stopped even trying at all. My mind almost turned off. Canis Majoris is believed to be big enough to contain over seven quadrillion earths. That is over 7,000,000,000,000,000 earths that could be fit in there! Oh, and the most important part. VY Canis Majoris is just one star.
There are believed to be at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy. This post here even estimates up to over 400 billion: http://www.universetoday.com/30305/how-many-galaxies-in-the-universe/
That same post also states that some estimates say there are over 500 billion galaxies out in the universe. And we live in just one galaxy, which we will never, ever fully explore. So basically they believe that for every star in our galaxy, there is an entire galaxy filled with hundreds of billions of stars. Now, I personally take that a step farther. I believe it is possible that there are hundreds of billions of these humongous galaxy clusters/universes! As long as the entire universe is smaller than the Almighty, it's possible. Oh wait, the Creator has no end. I guess that means the universe doesn't need one either. We will just never know how big it is.
I can't really find the words to express the thoughts going through my head about how big the universe is and how insignifigant I am, so I'll just spam the videos I've been watching.
These are just a few of the videos I've seen that have made me feel so overwhelmed. These are the ones that deal with just the stars and galaxies alone. To paraphrase what was said in the second to last link "I could sit here all day trying to find ways to describe the Almighty, but his universe already does that for Him"
So now to close this up, the reason I named this post.
"God made two great lights--the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars..." The Almighty creating virtually the rest of the universe was put in as almost nothing more than a foot note in this verse. All those hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, each filled with hundreds of billions of stars, many of which able to contain hundreds of billions of earths, was simply explained as "oh yeah, He made all that stuff too". If there is a God, and He is so powerful as to consider the rest of the universe so insigfigant as to only give it a simple mention during the creation, who are we?