This is a concept I have only just recently understood, as in a few days before posting this. It is a simple concept, yet it opened up knowledge to me that is nearly all encompassing. I am still processing the information while making new discoveries. This simple realization taught me more in a few hours than I have probably learned in the last several years.
Now, what is this concept? Pain. Pain, challenge, tribulation, trials, difficulties, etc. I recently understood the significance of it. Also, I realized how even though we were cursed, a blessing was still mixed in there. Because of the Almighty's infinite wisdom, He also included the most powerful way to teach within the changes enacted by our punishment.
The whole concept of accepting pain is something sorely lacking in modern christianity (wow... I made a pun out of that). We are told to expect trials and tribulations, yet shy away from them. If anything, we should be praying for more of them!
The reason I say this, is because when I look back at my life and consider my most painful experiences, they are held in highest esteem. The reason for this is because what I learned from them. When I came out of those troubling times, the change was phenomenal. I want them again, even though I know they paralyzed me with fear or left me curled up on the floor in pain for hours. However, when I stepped away from them, victorious, I looked back at the person I was just hours, or even minutes, before. When I do, I always see the new person as far better.
Understanding the importance of pain has taught me the importance of both pride and humility, and how they have a fine balance.
It taught me how I can become better than the majority of others, and why I will rise above them. But first, I must fall beneath them.
It taught me how I can relate weight lifting to the rest of life in a much stronger way.
It taught me why I am not satisfied with who I am now, and with how to fix that.
It taught me so much, I can't even remember it all now. I was left awake for several hours with these new realizations crashing down on me, one after another.
The most interesting part is just a week or two prior to this, I wrote a post touching on this subject and only now do I fully understand it's meaning. Here is the post for those who are interested:
If I were relate where I am in life to my interpretation discussed in that video, I would be at the point where I can no longer stand the reflections of myself being shown to me. I am on the verge of shattering those behaviors of my present self who are holding me back. The tension is righting, I am just waiting for the right challenge to come along.
So for those who wish to join me on this new journey of growth and discovery, pray not for lighter burdens, but for broader shoulders. Or better yet, pray for heavier burdens so that you may have broad shoulders. After all, that is how it works.
So even though the worst parts of my life arose from the curse, so did my greatest blessings. I now truly can count all things blessings. I understand why Paul could witness in jail, and why Jesus could ask the Father to forgive his murders while he hung on the cross. They understood pain, and how even amongst the curse, there is blessing yet.
De' Tinker's Thoughts
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Simple Beauty (Sensuality)
This is a subject I've had a mind to write about for a long time, but never got around to it. It may also be a bit controversial, because of the negative connotations associated with some of the words I used.
So to start things off, let me clarify somethings.
Sensual simply means "pleasing to the senses". So eating your favorite desert, having a relaxing bath, looking at a good picture, listening to your favorite music, all count as sensual. Remember that for when I use this word. Pleasing to the senses.
Simple Beauty means something that is sensual in a more specific way, most typically with sight and hearing.
Both of these things, sensuality and beauty, have been perverted these days. It is now common for "beauty" to be exchangeable with "hot" or "sexy" when talking about women. The word sensual is now often similar in meaning to sexual. Where did all this come from?
That is why I have begun using the term "Simple Beauty". It means something is beautiful, enjoyable, on a very simple level. Think of a sunset, or a smiling face.
Less then 24 hours before typing this, I actually took a camera out to get some shots of things that seem "sensual" to me, pleasing to my senses. Here is an example of the Simple Beauty I enjoy in my life:
Just a picture of the ground and some leaves. Nothing special, but I enjoy the way it looks and I enjoyed being out in the forest. I have described the forest as sensual before when talking with my friends. I enjoy the bright, vibrant greens, the lush vegetation, the look of all the trees and being alone in nature. It is a feeling of appreciation and enjoyment I will probably never lose, no matter how I feel at the time or how far in the future my ventures into the forest may be. This is the essence of Simple Beauty, something that you can enjoy unashamed at any time.
Another example is this song I've been listening to non-stop while writing this:
I simply enjoy hearing it. By that definition, it is also sensual. And rather empowering, when you listen to it loud enough.
There are many examples of things I find sensual, but that's not entirely what I'm talking about here.
I'm writing this because I've noticed that these words have become marred, or perverted, as I said above.
One way this has happened, I have found, is that a guy can't simply acknowledge that a girl is beautiful anymore. To do so would suddenly mean that he wants to date her or something. I don't get this. If someone looks good... why not acknowledge this and move on with your life? For instance, when someone says that a sunset looks really good it doesn't mean they want to marry it.
Yet one more example from me. After seeing the movie Hunger Games, I was very impressed with both the performance and looks of Jennifer Lawrence, so I made this my new background on my phone:
It's simple. I enjoy it as my background. That and I had been using a picture of wolverine for the past two years, so it was time for a change.
My point is we should enjoy things for their beauty, for the way the please our senses. Not go overboard and lust after them or pervert our feelings or anything. Enjoy a sunset, enjoy a friendly smile. This type of simple pleasure to the eyes is what I mainly call Simple Beauty. The best example for explaining it would be in a girl. A girl who exhibits Simple Beauty is one you just enjoy seeing or being around. Not that you have a crush on her or anything, or that she looks "hot" or "sexy", which seem to be the mainstream ideal these days. She could be a complete stranger, but she lights up your day. You may say "hi", you may not. She may or may not be wearing or doing anything special.
I've encountered this many times so far. The briefest was when I was at the store (buying eggs I think). The cashier had a wonderful smile that lit up my day. When I paid for the eggs, I began walking away, then turned back around and said "oh, that's a nice smile you have" or something to that effect. She exhibited simple beauty. I enjoyed that simple beauty then moved on with my day.
So, enjoy the simple things in life. You don't have to go after every person you think is attractive, but don't feel bad to acknowledge that they are attractive. Don't be ashamed to say that a flower is beautiful or sensual if you enjoy looking at it. Heck, I've even called the eggs I cook myself sensual because they feel so good after I eat them!
Enjoy the Simple Beauty of life.
So to start things off, let me clarify somethings.
Sensual simply means "pleasing to the senses". So eating your favorite desert, having a relaxing bath, looking at a good picture, listening to your favorite music, all count as sensual. Remember that for when I use this word. Pleasing to the senses.
Simple Beauty means something that is sensual in a more specific way, most typically with sight and hearing.
Both of these things, sensuality and beauty, have been perverted these days. It is now common for "beauty" to be exchangeable with "hot" or "sexy" when talking about women. The word sensual is now often similar in meaning to sexual. Where did all this come from?
That is why I have begun using the term "Simple Beauty". It means something is beautiful, enjoyable, on a very simple level. Think of a sunset, or a smiling face.
Less then 24 hours before typing this, I actually took a camera out to get some shots of things that seem "sensual" to me, pleasing to my senses. Here is an example of the Simple Beauty I enjoy in my life:
An untouched photo I took in the woods |
Another example is this song I've been listening to non-stop while writing this:
I simply enjoy hearing it. By that definition, it is also sensual. And rather empowering, when you listen to it loud enough.
There are many examples of things I find sensual, but that's not entirely what I'm talking about here.
I'm writing this because I've noticed that these words have become marred, or perverted, as I said above.
One way this has happened, I have found, is that a guy can't simply acknowledge that a girl is beautiful anymore. To do so would suddenly mean that he wants to date her or something. I don't get this. If someone looks good... why not acknowledge this and move on with your life? For instance, when someone says that a sunset looks really good it doesn't mean they want to marry it.
Yet one more example from me. After seeing the movie Hunger Games, I was very impressed with both the performance and looks of Jennifer Lawrence, so I made this my new background on my phone:
My point is we should enjoy things for their beauty, for the way the please our senses. Not go overboard and lust after them or pervert our feelings or anything. Enjoy a sunset, enjoy a friendly smile. This type of simple pleasure to the eyes is what I mainly call Simple Beauty. The best example for explaining it would be in a girl. A girl who exhibits Simple Beauty is one you just enjoy seeing or being around. Not that you have a crush on her or anything, or that she looks "hot" or "sexy", which seem to be the mainstream ideal these days. She could be a complete stranger, but she lights up your day. You may say "hi", you may not. She may or may not be wearing or doing anything special.
I've encountered this many times so far. The briefest was when I was at the store (buying eggs I think). The cashier had a wonderful smile that lit up my day. When I paid for the eggs, I began walking away, then turned back around and said "oh, that's a nice smile you have" or something to that effect. She exhibited simple beauty. I enjoyed that simple beauty then moved on with my day.
So, enjoy the simple things in life. You don't have to go after every person you think is attractive, but don't feel bad to acknowledge that they are attractive. Don't be ashamed to say that a flower is beautiful or sensual if you enjoy looking at it. Heck, I've even called the eggs I cook myself sensual because they feel so good after I eat them!
Enjoy the Simple Beauty of life.
Monday, May 14, 2012
My Health/Living Blog
The way things are turning out, this will become more of my philosophical blog of sorts, because I just started a new blog at this address:
Something you may notice about that address is it's own domain. Yeah, I bought and paid for that. My plan is to start making money online, so I took a risk and purchased some domains. This is the first one I've really opened up. Hopefully one day I will have a domain for this blog as well. Make it more professional.
The format on the new blog should be a little friendlier, so if you or anyone you know is interested in or could benefit from what you see there, become a member and comment. Share away! But please, check it out. I will continue writing here as well.
Something you may notice about that address is it's own domain. Yeah, I bought and paid for that. My plan is to start making money online, so I took a risk and purchased some domains. This is the first one I've really opened up. Hopefully one day I will have a domain for this blog as well. Make it more professional.
The format on the new blog should be a little friendlier, so if you or anyone you know is interested in or could benefit from what you see there, become a member and comment. Share away! But please, check it out. I will continue writing here as well.
Monday, April 30, 2012
You married your relative
So, was the title catchy enough? Time to get back to my more... philosophical (?) posts now. Aren't all my posts though? Nevermind that.
Now, not everyone who will read this has been married. But something we all must realize is that no matter who you marry... you marry your relative. Whether it's your cousin or a stranger from across the globe. There are multiple ways to look at this and explain this, multiple ways to ponder this concept, so I will choose to look at it through the Bible. What else can you expect?
So, Day 6. There were two people. One male, and one female. 6,000 years later, you have over 7 billion people. That's quite the family there! But looking back, I noticed something interesting. In those early days, not only was it acceptable to marry close relatives, but common. As a matter of fact, there were at least two major times in history (creation and the flood) where it was not only common and acceptable to marry close relatives, but necessary as well.
This is a very interesting thought, considering Moses was told by God that close relatives couldn't marry, yet God made two major instances where that was absolutely vital. Now this seems very strange, a contradiction even. Well, what better reason to ponder the subject?
Everything looks different when you consider genetics. If Adam and Eve are our ultimate ancestors, that means all of the genetic material and variability for all of mankind was built into them. Also, since creation was originally "very good", there would be no faults in their DNA. We also now know that information is lost from generation to generation, and errors build up in the DNA.
A simple example I heard is two dogs, each with a gene for long hair and short hair, mate. They produce some puppies with both genes, but some with only long hair genes and others with only short hair genes. The puppies with only one type of gene have lost information and variability.
This is the same thing that happens when humans reproduce. And when you add in the mistakes and genetic diseases, then when two people with similar (imperfect) DNA reproduce, those mistakes compound on each other. However, early in history, with improved health and perfect DNA, these mistakes at first would be nonexistent, and later come about much more slowly.
It would take so long for these mistakes to manifest themself in a dangerous form, that for thousands of years we could intermarry with no problems. And when you look at the timing of things, it makes sense as well. Moses was told that close relatives couldn't marry about 2,000 years (I believe) after the flood. That's a long time for mistakes to build upon each other. When you consider the fact that intermarriage was allowed, and even made necessary, by God early on, and the effects of the fall on genetics, it actually seems to indicate that marrying a cousin or sibling isn't actually wrong morally. At least that's what I get out of it.
But, of course, times have changed. Now it is dangerous for close relatives to reproduce, because of what could happen to the kids. But before these mistakes existed, what reason would there be to keep close relatives from marrying? When we read the Bible, it seems God simply wants marriage to be between one man and one woman (although He also allowed multiple wives for a time... need to ponder that as well), what difference does it make how closely they are related? Assuming no genetics mistakes, of course.
My conclusion after pondering this issue? Well, we all marry our relatives anyway, what difference does it make how closely they're related to us? So I guess that means... incest isn't actually wrong (on a moral level). At least that's what I get out of it. That was really weird to say...
Now, not everyone who will read this has been married. But something we all must realize is that no matter who you marry... you marry your relative. Whether it's your cousin or a stranger from across the globe. There are multiple ways to look at this and explain this, multiple ways to ponder this concept, so I will choose to look at it through the Bible. What else can you expect?
So, Day 6. There were two people. One male, and one female. 6,000 years later, you have over 7 billion people. That's quite the family there! But looking back, I noticed something interesting. In those early days, not only was it acceptable to marry close relatives, but common. As a matter of fact, there were at least two major times in history (creation and the flood) where it was not only common and acceptable to marry close relatives, but necessary as well.
This is a very interesting thought, considering Moses was told by God that close relatives couldn't marry, yet God made two major instances where that was absolutely vital. Now this seems very strange, a contradiction even. Well, what better reason to ponder the subject?
Everything looks different when you consider genetics. If Adam and Eve are our ultimate ancestors, that means all of the genetic material and variability for all of mankind was built into them. Also, since creation was originally "very good", there would be no faults in their DNA. We also now know that information is lost from generation to generation, and errors build up in the DNA.
A simple example I heard is two dogs, each with a gene for long hair and short hair, mate. They produce some puppies with both genes, but some with only long hair genes and others with only short hair genes. The puppies with only one type of gene have lost information and variability.
This is the same thing that happens when humans reproduce. And when you add in the mistakes and genetic diseases, then when two people with similar (imperfect) DNA reproduce, those mistakes compound on each other. However, early in history, with improved health and perfect DNA, these mistakes at first would be nonexistent, and later come about much more slowly.
It would take so long for these mistakes to manifest themself in a dangerous form, that for thousands of years we could intermarry with no problems. And when you look at the timing of things, it makes sense as well. Moses was told that close relatives couldn't marry about 2,000 years (I believe) after the flood. That's a long time for mistakes to build upon each other. When you consider the fact that intermarriage was allowed, and even made necessary, by God early on, and the effects of the fall on genetics, it actually seems to indicate that marrying a cousin or sibling isn't actually wrong morally. At least that's what I get out of it.
But, of course, times have changed. Now it is dangerous for close relatives to reproduce, because of what could happen to the kids. But before these mistakes existed, what reason would there be to keep close relatives from marrying? When we read the Bible, it seems God simply wants marriage to be between one man and one woman (although He also allowed multiple wives for a time... need to ponder that as well), what difference does it make how closely they are related? Assuming no genetics mistakes, of course.
My conclusion after pondering this issue? Well, we all marry our relatives anyway, what difference does it make how closely they're related to us? So I guess that means... incest isn't actually wrong (on a moral level). At least that's what I get out of it. That was really weird to say...
Sunday, April 1, 2012
A Break from Silence
It is hard to believe how much has changed in one month, since my last post. There is to much for me to touch on, or even remember, right now. Instead, I will be writing regularly again and you should hear about some of it!
I have been meaning to make another post, but lacked the will to. I kept on waiting for something to happen that I wanted to talk about, and for it to happen at a time where I had lots of spare time to write (while being bored). Well... that time is now! I don't want to play computer games, don't want to eat, am tired from an active weekend, and have something to talk about. Step one to becoming active again.
There has been a recent craze going around about the Hunger Games. A popular book series that has had a movie adaptation. I haven't read the books yet because it would take time from school, but I plan to this summer.
Now, for the reason I mention this. For a reason I couldn't identify at first, the very mention of the Hunger Games stirred up lots of emotions. As I heard the story described, and later saw the movie, I had one of the deepest emotional connections yet. I wasn't completely sure why. Even the cover of the book or mention of the name would do it for me. And there's more to it than the fact that most of the action takes place in a forest. I enjoy forests and trees... but that didn't justify the way I felt when I thought about it.
I believe it is a combination of many different things, but the biggest is the games themselves. The games are a means of public entertainment, pitting kids against other kids. The rules are set up in a way that would potentially allow for an 18 year old male to fight against a 12 year old little girl, for the entertainment of the masses. It is in my nature to protect, especially the weak. That is why I am so emotionally connected to this series, because I want to protect these kids, especially the little girls. But instead, their slaughter is for nothing more than the amusement of the masses (and as punishment for a previous "rebellion").
Were the rules to bring the two champions, the greatest fighters, from each district, I would probably feel different. First off, because of the basic way biology and society works, most, if not all, of the "tributes" would be mature males. There is a reason armies are usually made up of men. However, the rules often force small children who couldn't even survive a night on their own in the wilderness to fight against others who are much older and stronger.
Part of the reason the rules would be set up like this was as a reminder to the twelve districts who is in control, and to make them feel helpless. Seeing their young children slaughtered for entertainment would have quite a heavy effect on people. Especially when that had been done as long as they could remember.
That is the main reason, I believe, why this series sticks out so much to me.
What do you think? Have you read the books or seen the movie? What do you like or not like about it? And why? Comment!
I have been meaning to make another post, but lacked the will to. I kept on waiting for something to happen that I wanted to talk about, and for it to happen at a time where I had lots of spare time to write (while being bored). Well... that time is now! I don't want to play computer games, don't want to eat, am tired from an active weekend, and have something to talk about. Step one to becoming active again.
There has been a recent craze going around about the Hunger Games. A popular book series that has had a movie adaptation. I haven't read the books yet because it would take time from school, but I plan to this summer.
Now, for the reason I mention this. For a reason I couldn't identify at first, the very mention of the Hunger Games stirred up lots of emotions. As I heard the story described, and later saw the movie, I had one of the deepest emotional connections yet. I wasn't completely sure why. Even the cover of the book or mention of the name would do it for me. And there's more to it than the fact that most of the action takes place in a forest. I enjoy forests and trees... but that didn't justify the way I felt when I thought about it.
I believe it is a combination of many different things, but the biggest is the games themselves. The games are a means of public entertainment, pitting kids against other kids. The rules are set up in a way that would potentially allow for an 18 year old male to fight against a 12 year old little girl, for the entertainment of the masses. It is in my nature to protect, especially the weak. That is why I am so emotionally connected to this series, because I want to protect these kids, especially the little girls. But instead, their slaughter is for nothing more than the amusement of the masses (and as punishment for a previous "rebellion").
Were the rules to bring the two champions, the greatest fighters, from each district, I would probably feel different. First off, because of the basic way biology and society works, most, if not all, of the "tributes" would be mature males. There is a reason armies are usually made up of men. However, the rules often force small children who couldn't even survive a night on their own in the wilderness to fight against others who are much older and stronger.
Part of the reason the rules would be set up like this was as a reminder to the twelve districts who is in control, and to make them feel helpless. Seeing their young children slaughtered for entertainment would have quite a heavy effect on people. Especially when that had been done as long as they could remember.
That is the main reason, I believe, why this series sticks out so much to me.
What do you think? Have you read the books or seen the movie? What do you like or not like about it? And why? Comment!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Little steps
I'm gonna be honest. The only reason I'm writing anything right now is because it's part of a checklist I made for myself. Taking little steps to increase discipline. The idea is to make a list of daily things that I try to get done everyday to help improve myself (originally just for physical health, but I added some additional things). Some of the items include at least 1 high fat meal, reading my bible, or writing in something (such as this blog). I will admit, working on a checklist everyday makes me have to up the ante a bit.
I got this idea from Matt Marshall of Tried and True Fitness. This is all for a competition he's hosting, and I am trying to get in shape by midnight of March 31st to try and win. To do so, I must take little steps which build on each other. Similar to my last post, "Lessons from Minecraft (et al)".
This is the information for the contest I am entering:
And taking these little steps of organizing my time by even writing on this blog will help me achieve my goals.
So for now, wish me luck! And maybe you should consider taking a few small steps to improve yourself as well.
I got this idea from Matt Marshall of Tried and True Fitness. This is all for a competition he's hosting, and I am trying to get in shape by midnight of March 31st to try and win. To do so, I must take little steps which build on each other. Similar to my last post, "Lessons from Minecraft (et al)".
This is the information for the contest I am entering:
And taking these little steps of organizing my time by even writing on this blog will help me achieve my goals.
![]() | ||||||||||||
This is the specific picture I am trying to build myself after, at this point |
So for now, wish me luck! And maybe you should consider taking a few small steps to improve yourself as well.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Lessons from Minecraft (et. al)
I am sure many of you have heard about the popular online game Minecraft. The game is made out of block graphics and allows the player to take advantage of their imagination (and lack of realistic physics in game). It is a very addictive game... but fortunately I was only absorbed in it for about three days (then Skyrim came, and examples from that can also be used for this post).
What has all this got to do with anything I would want to talk about? Why am I even mentioning this? Well, I noticed something very interesting while playing. Nothing happens at once. The biggest castle, the deepest underground city, the most elaborate maze, none of it is created at once. Sounds obvious? Well, yeah, it is. But there is a significance to this. When you play in "survival" mode on this game, you start with nothing and have to gather all your materials and make all your tools. And step 1 is punching trees to get wood (fortunately that's not a life lesson).
Everything is built gradually. I have had multiple games building a big project: a giant keep, a tree forest, a large wall village, etc. It always works with me starting with a little hut, hunting some animals, and mining a few basic materials. I gather enough materials for a local farm, start mining deeper, get more materials, explore more, and so one. No major, immediate changes. But then suddenly, I will realize I have the resources to start building a bigger, better house. So I may lay a foundation, then go back and farm some more, then mine some more, come back and build a bit, etc.
If I stand back after several hours of playing and compare what I have done to what it all looked like when I started, there is a major difference. But that difference came through little bits here and there. It reminded me that real life works that same way.
You don't graduate high school in one day. You go there for years, day after day. You don't notice any immediate changes, but when you stop and look back, you see a difference.
When you train, you don't go from a scrawny kid (or fat kid) to a Greek Statue overnight. It takes years of dedication. Doing workouts that improve your body little by little, and eating a diet that improves you bit by bit. Then one day you look back, and realize you have a six pack, or lost 20lbs, or whatever.
And of course the old saying, Rome wasn't built in a day. It was built over centuries. And as what happens to me in Minecraft, it is never finished. There is always a little more I can do. We should live life the same way. Don't expect major, overnight changes. They happen, but work towards the gradual, steady progression in life. I will be trying to live as such myself. Always remember to continue doing these little things (exercising, studying, writing, etc.), because although I may not notice an immediate difference, over time they will add up. This applies for negative things to. If you eat a large pizza every day it adds up over time.
So just remember, take it steady. This is my lesson from Minecraft, and many other games.
What has all this got to do with anything I would want to talk about? Why am I even mentioning this? Well, I noticed something very interesting while playing. Nothing happens at once. The biggest castle, the deepest underground city, the most elaborate maze, none of it is created at once. Sounds obvious? Well, yeah, it is. But there is a significance to this. When you play in "survival" mode on this game, you start with nothing and have to gather all your materials and make all your tools. And step 1 is punching trees to get wood (fortunately that's not a life lesson).
Everything is built gradually. I have had multiple games building a big project: a giant keep, a tree forest, a large wall village, etc. It always works with me starting with a little hut, hunting some animals, and mining a few basic materials. I gather enough materials for a local farm, start mining deeper, get more materials, explore more, and so one. No major, immediate changes. But then suddenly, I will realize I have the resources to start building a bigger, better house. So I may lay a foundation, then go back and farm some more, then mine some more, come back and build a bit, etc.
If I stand back after several hours of playing and compare what I have done to what it all looked like when I started, there is a major difference. But that difference came through little bits here and there. It reminded me that real life works that same way.
You don't graduate high school in one day. You go there for years, day after day. You don't notice any immediate changes, but when you stop and look back, you see a difference.
When you train, you don't go from a scrawny kid (or fat kid) to a Greek Statue overnight. It takes years of dedication. Doing workouts that improve your body little by little, and eating a diet that improves you bit by bit. Then one day you look back, and realize you have a six pack, or lost 20lbs, or whatever.
And of course the old saying, Rome wasn't built in a day. It was built over centuries. And as what happens to me in Minecraft, it is never finished. There is always a little more I can do. We should live life the same way. Don't expect major, overnight changes. They happen, but work towards the gradual, steady progression in life. I will be trying to live as such myself. Always remember to continue doing these little things (exercising, studying, writing, etc.), because although I may not notice an immediate difference, over time they will add up. This applies for negative things to. If you eat a large pizza every day it adds up over time.
So just remember, take it steady. This is my lesson from Minecraft, and many other games.
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