I wanted to pick a dramatic(ish) title for today. It seems I'm taking a temporary leave from the deep, philosophical stuff for a little while and going onto the simpler stuff.
Winter's coming. My least favorite time of year. Why is that? The cold. I really, really do not like the cold. The part that makes it worse is that I adjusted to the Texas summer a little to well. Anything below 70 degrees felt a little chilly at first, once things began to cool off. It will get much colder now. And since I prefer to sweat as opposed to shiver if I have the choice, this will not be fun or easy.
Oh, but it gets better! I actually mean that too. Bova's back! If you don't know who that is, don't worry. Check out my last post. Anyway, because of this I've been inspired to spend the next little bit of this year getting in tip top shape! That means, however, that not only will I be continuing training during the time of year where most people slack off and when it's coldest, I will actually be training harder and being more strict. I also train in my backyard, which will suck. No heating, just winter's cold bite. So that means if I want to keep warm, I gotta dress it. But I still have to work. And... the barbell will be really freaking cold.
So, that's the reason I named this post "Cold Steel of Winter's Fury". I will be lifting cold steel out in cold of winter's "fury". When pretty much the entire world will be slacking off because of the cold and the holidays, I will be trying to ramp things up. If I can keep it up, New Year's will come around and I'll be in the best shape of my life, and everyone else will be recovering from their holiday binge and starting their New Year's resolutions. From there, I can just sit back and watch everyone else mess around for a few days/weeks/months until they give up.
Beyond that news, about the love/hate relationship I will be having with my weights, there are a couple other things:
One, Bova's back! I'll probably be mentioning him in almost every post from now on as well.
Oh, and Tried and True Fitness has made a new book that I would really like as well: http://www.getaclassicbody.com/ (to a certain few people reading this, that's one of my Christmas wishes ;).
Jackie is coming with a new cd on the 1st, waiting for that. Also listening to a pre-released single from the cd as I work on this post (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwk2lQOdE7I) Can I go a single post without mentioning her?
Skyrim! On the 11th, one of the best games ever will come out. I am also hoping to get in great shape for that so I can take a week off training for "recovery" as I play a barbarian in the snow topped mountains hunting dragons. My plan is to be as muscular as my character.
So, I think that's it for now. One more thing though! Don't slack off on a healthy life style just because it's cold and it's the holidays. Be better then everyone else, and push through. If you don't want to be weak like everyone else, you can't live like everyone else. If you want to be strong and healthy in a way normal people aren't, you can't live like normal people. Want to be better then everyone you know? Live better then everyone you know. Don't want to feel sick this year like everybody else? Don't be like everybody else!
May you join me in feeling the Bite of Cold Steel and Winter's Fury!
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