Thursday, May 31, 2012

Simple Beauty (Sensuality)

This is a subject I've had a mind to write about for a long time, but never got around to it. It may also be a bit controversial, because of  the negative connotations associated with some of the words I used.

So to start things off, let me clarify somethings.

Sensual simply means "pleasing to the senses". So eating your favorite desert, having a relaxing bath, looking at a good picture, listening to your favorite music, all count as sensual. Remember that for when I use this word. Pleasing to the senses.

Simple Beauty means something that is sensual in a more specific way, most typically with sight and hearing.

Both of these things, sensuality and beauty, have been perverted these days. It is now common for "beauty" to be exchangeable with "hot" or "sexy" when talking about women. The word sensual is now often similar in meaning to sexual. Where did all this come from?

That is why I have begun using the term "Simple Beauty". It means something is beautiful, enjoyable, on a very simple level. Think of a sunset, or a smiling face.

Less then 24 hours before typing this, I actually took a camera out to get some shots of things that seem "sensual" to me, pleasing to my senses. Here is an example of the Simple Beauty I enjoy in my life:

An untouched photo I took in the woods
 Just a picture of the ground and some leaves. Nothing special, but I enjoy the way it looks and I enjoyed being out in the forest. I have described the forest as sensual before when talking with my friends. I enjoy the bright, vibrant greens, the lush vegetation, the look of all the trees and being alone in nature. It is a feeling of appreciation and enjoyment I will probably never lose, no matter how I feel at the time or how far in the future my ventures into the forest may be. This is the essence of Simple Beauty, something that you can enjoy unashamed at any time.

Another example is this song I've been listening to non-stop while writing this:

I simply enjoy hearing it. By that definition, it is also sensual. And rather empowering, when you listen to it loud enough.

There are many examples of things I find sensual, but that's not entirely what I'm talking about here.

I'm writing this because I've noticed that these words have become marred, or perverted, as I said above.

One way this has happened, I have found, is that a guy can't simply acknowledge that a girl is beautiful anymore. To do so would suddenly mean that he wants to date her or something. I don't get this. If someone looks good... why not acknowledge this and move on with your life? For instance, when someone says that a sunset looks really good it doesn't mean they want to marry it.

Yet one more example from me. After seeing the movie Hunger Games, I was very impressed with both the performance and looks of Jennifer Lawrence, so I made this my new background on my phone:

It's simple. I enjoy it as my background. That and I had been using a picture of wolverine for the past two years, so it was time for a change.

My point is we should enjoy things for their beauty, for the way the please our senses. Not go overboard and lust after them or pervert our feelings or anything. Enjoy a sunset, enjoy a friendly smile. This type of simple pleasure to the eyes is what I mainly call Simple Beauty. The best example for explaining it would be in a girl. A girl who exhibits Simple Beauty is one you just enjoy seeing or being around. Not that you have a crush on her or anything, or that she looks "hot" or "sexy", which seem to be the mainstream ideal these days. She could be a complete stranger, but she lights up your day. You may say "hi", you may not. She may or may not be wearing or doing anything special.

I've encountered this many times so far. The briefest was when I was at the store (buying eggs I think). The cashier had a wonderful smile that lit up my day. When I paid for the eggs, I began walking away, then turned back around and said "oh, that's a nice smile you have" or something to that effect. She exhibited simple beauty. I enjoyed that simple beauty then moved on with my day.

So, enjoy the simple things in life. You don't have to go after every person you think is attractive, but don't feel bad to acknowledge that they are attractive. Don't be ashamed to say that a flower is beautiful or sensual if you enjoy looking at it. Heck, I've even called the eggs I cook myself sensual because they feel so good after I eat them!

Enjoy the Simple Beauty of life.


  1. I feel unhappy because I was the one who said something about Jenifer Lawrence being on your phone, I'm sorry.

  2. Oh no, it had nothing to do with what you said. I just felt it was a good example.

  3. Spoken with conviction and heart. Thank you for saying it.
