Monday, July 18, 2011

War, Peace, and Medical Care

This post will be a contain two basic subjects I've been thinking about. The first will be a paraphrased quote that's been stuck in my head, the second is something I thought of while in a college class.

So first off, that quote. "If you wish for peace, prepare for war." I can't even remember where I first heard that, but the day of me writing this it has been stuck in my head. I think this is advice that many people need to hear and understand. America would be a far better place if people took this to heart. From interactions between individuals to interactions between nations, things would be better. Let's look down at the smaller levels of things.

Imagine living in a small town where everyone carries a loaded, working gun with them everywhere and is both capable and knowledgable about how to use it. Everybody who visits that town knows before even entering that every town member has a gun. You would have to be a fool to go into that town and commit a crime. Imagine going into rob a store. The cashier may pull a shotgun on you, the old lady getting eggs to make a cake my pull a pistol on you, and who knows what that kid listening to his music might pull on you.

Who knows?
 Imagine even farther back, to the pioneering of the west. Not only did people have guns for if they had to use them, they did use them. An eight year old could pick up a shotgun or rifle if he had to, and he (or even she) could use it. If anyone were to commit a crime against people like these, they better be pretty darn sure of themselves or they are just plain fools.

Now imagine today, with people trying to push gun control laws. Imagine another little town where it is extremely difficult to own guns, and it is looked down upon to have on in the first place. In this little town, cops only carry their little pistol with them when there is trouble. Now, everyone who visits knows about the gun situation here as well. If one of these visitors were to commit a crive in this little town, I couldn't quite blame them. The locals, not prepared, left themselves open.

If I were to rob a house, I would look for a town or neighorhood where people didn't own weapons. I would look for a town where people didn't "prepare for war". But let's say I lived in a town where everyone is "prepared for war". Guess what? It would likely be pretty peacefull. Everybody knows they're safe, and if somebody is stupid enough to act up, they know they may not live long enough for the police to even show up. It makes me think of a story I once heard, where a reporter asked a cop if he was expecting trouble because he was carrying his pistol on him, so the cop replied with something to the effect of, "If I was expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun!"

I should have started this post with this picture!
That's the way America, as a whole should think. Imagine with me, moving up to a bigger example, that America lived by that idea, "make peace by preparing for war". We (if you're an American like me) as a nation would try to have the biggest, baddest military in the world. And guess what? If we did, every other nation would try to make peace! Or even if every country and nation lived by that principle; then everyone would try everything they could to avoid war because they know that they are all ready to fight.

But no. For some reason I can't understand, we (meaning America) are trying to downsize our military and be nice to people to make peace. That works, don't get me wrong... until someone is tired of nice talk. Without a grenade launcher in your back pocket...

I had this picture sitting around on my computer, I just had to use it!
...they have no reason to listen when those peace talks fail. However, if we honestly try to make and keep peace in the foreground, while preparing to dominate any enemies in case things go wrong, we would be much better off. That goes for individual people and countries. If someone tries to mug me, it's all well and good to sweet talk them out of it, but it would be nice to have a backup plan consisting of blackpowder and lead. But no, America is trying to cut spending on the military and defense so they have more money to waste on themselves and to put into other projects that I believe only exist because people are to lazy to take care of themselves.

Just to show that I live what I preach
I own all of these, and either carry them on me, sleep next to them or have them hung on my wall
And yes, that is a micky mouse blanket. You won't get an explanation because I ain't offering.
This brings me to my second part of the thoughts I was thinking of earlier today. That didn't make a lot of sense even while I was typing that last sentence. Anyway, part two!

I'm sure you have heard some about the corruption and such that goes on in jails, and how hard it is in general. The sad part is though, some people actually try to get arrested to get thrown into jail because it means they get to have their medical needs taken care of for them. I have two main points on this section, points I will try to actually stick to. The first is people who are capable of taking care of their medical needs should so that the goverment doesn't have to waste money on their sorry a**es when it could be used to take care of those who can't take care of themselves, and my second point is that people are put into jail who should be put into mental hospitals and such. Basically, I am talking about medical like stuff all around. Sounds appropriate since I was just talking about guns.

Yes, I'm just looking for an excuse to post these now
The goverment is involved in several health care programs and such. I think that is fine (though I would prefer godly individuals to take up that role, not the goverment), but what I can't stand is people who take advantage of the system. When the goverment stepped in and made Christian charity law, and therefore under their jurisdiction, things went down hill. I even heard of a story where someone robbed a bank of a dollar (I believe it was) just so he could get arrested so his health needs would be met by the goverment in jail.

Now, I understand that there are some people who truly cannot take care of themselves; there are people who do truly benefit from these programs and don't have a reasonable alternative. I am talking about everyone else who uses the system but doesn't really need it. But being such lazy bums, they "force" the goverment to spend money on them when that money could be used on people who really need it. It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, that way resources could be spared to help others. Because of this, and the fact that the goverment shouldn't be involved so heavily in health care, if at all, it leads to them spending a lot of money they don't have. Leading to debt and trying to cut projects that are part of their job; such as military and national defense. And when I say national defense, I'm not talking against aliens or asteroids, I'm talking against other nations and such. But, because people just don't seem to care, the goverment has to use money to keep those sorry people alive.

Then there is the fact that in America, our solution for everything seems to be to throw people in jail. A man's insane? Throw him in jail. Someone is addicted to drugs? Throw them in jail. Someone killed a man while defending themself? Throw them in jail.

There are people who should be in hospitals instead of jails. Mental hospitals as well. Also, throwing people in jail won't do much good to stop an addiction to drugs. If you want to get someone off drugs, you need to get more personal with them. It requires work; not iron bars.

I think all my energy went into writing the first part of this post, so I don't have much for the second half. Well, at least I got my thoughts down. That was the point of all this.

Okay, I'm done.


  1. You are missing a crucial point here. In this small town where everyone has a gun and knows how to use it, a little boy (or girl) accidentally shoots either themselves or a family member, or the idiot teen shoots his friend while playing around, or someones family is starving and the only way of getting food is to rob someone who is more fortunate. We do not live in candy land, or more appropriate (since people in candy land have probably never heard of guns) we do not live in a perfect world. The only way a world with guns would work is if the people living in the world were trustworthy. And if everyone were trustworthy, we wouldn't need guns. It's simple, and unfortunate.

  2. I wasn't missing a point. I had it set up so that it wasn't necessary to mention the point.

    Since everyone knows how to use a gun, it means they understand that a gun can kill and the significance of this. If an accident happens, an accident happens. But it would have been that parent's responsibility to teach the kid not to play with guns and keep the guns somewhere safe.

    As for the "idiotic teen", same as above. His father should have taught him how to use a gun and when, but also taught him that if he used the gun wrong, there would be major consequences.

    As to the starving family, are you trying to justify stealing? And in a small town, I'm sure someone would be willing to have someone over for dinner (and since they all have guns, no worries).

    Look at the world of the American Frontier. Every family had guns, knew how to use them, and stuff like that. Little boys even brought them to school! But they all knew what would happen if they used them wrong. They carried them as tools for a purpose.

    It's different from suddenly abolishing gun laws today. People are stupid and don't deserve to be around guns. Had they been taught to respect guns and use them from childhood... well, things would be different.

  3. Growing up, we had guns. I have four older brothers, we all had guns. They were of course, kept by Mum and Dad in their closet, but not locked up. We (my brothers and I) knew we were not to touch them unless told to do so. There were consequences for our actions. Never an issue, never an accident. Why? Because we were raised right, taught to respect our parents and their rules. Gun safety is something we were taught from day one. If everyone took responsibility for their own actions and ensured that what needed to be taught to their children, was, this would be a non-issue. Just my opinion and personal experience.

  4. I said four older? Wrong, my mistake. Three older, there were in all, four of us. That's what is known as a "DUH" moment
