Let me take you back to the beginning really quickly:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
Yes, when I said "Let me take you back to the beginning" I meant it. Back to the very beginning.
I will just be going back over my thoughts I've had recently.
So for anyone who truly believes what the Bible says, the Almighty created the universe and all that is in it. That obviously includes the stars and the galaxies. Now to just step back, and consider what that means. When you step out at night and look up at the sky (provided you are somewhere that allows you to see the sky) the moon plus every single speck of light was created with merely a few words. It was created with such ease, the Almighty didn't even lift a finger. Now, these little specks of light aren't really so little. Here's a video that should better illustrate this:
Now when it went from our moon to Mercury, I was already thinking "Why even bother?" I'm not entirely sure what that meant, but I think it meant "Why even try to do anything impressive", or something like that. But, the moon to Mercury was only the first comparison in that video. I can't even remember which part of the video I just stopped trying to comprehend the size of the planets and stars compared to earth. By the time it got to Canis Majoris, I had completely stopped even trying at all. My mind almost turned off. Canis Majoris is believed to be big enough to contain over seven quadrillion earths. That is over 7,000,000,000,000,000 earths that could be fit in there! Oh, and the most important part. VY Canis Majoris is just one star.
There are believed to be at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy. This post here even estimates up to over 400 billion: http://www.universetoday.com/30305/how-many-galaxies-in-the-universe/
That same post also states that some estimates say there are over 500 billion galaxies out in the universe. And we live in just one galaxy, which we will never, ever fully explore. So basically they believe that for every star in our galaxy, there is an entire galaxy filled with hundreds of billions of stars. Now, I personally take that a step farther. I believe it is possible that there are hundreds of billions of these humongous galaxy clusters/universes! As long as the entire universe is smaller than the Almighty, it's possible. Oh wait, the Creator has no end. I guess that means the universe doesn't need one either. We will just never know how big it is.
I can't really find the words to express the thoughts going through my head about how big the universe is and how insignifigant I am, so I'll just spam the videos I've been watching.
These are just a few of the videos I've seen that have made me feel so overwhelmed. These are the ones that deal with just the stars and galaxies alone. To paraphrase what was said in the second to last link "I could sit here all day trying to find ways to describe the Almighty, but his universe already does that for Him"
So now to close this up, the reason I named this post.
"God made two great lights--the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars..." The Almighty creating virtually the rest of the universe was put in as almost nothing more than a foot note in this verse. All those hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, each filled with hundreds of billions of stars, many of which able to contain hundreds of billions of earths, was simply explained as "oh yeah, He made all that stuff too". If there is a God, and He is so powerful as to consider the rest of the universe so insigfigant as to only give it a simple mention during the creation, who are we?
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Three
"But the godless are like thorns to be thrown away, for they tear the hand that touches them. One must use iron tools to chop them down; they will be totally consumed by fire."
I was preparing to right this post when I suddenly read this passage immediately before the section I was going to talk about. It seemed to fit will as a means of explaining what I am about to talk about. So what am I talking about than? War.
Warriors specifically. To be even more specific, I will be focusing mainly on three warriors: Jashobeam, Eleazar, and Shammah. These were David's mightiest warriors out of all his mighty warriors. These guys were the best of the best. And they weren't simply labeled that; they earned it.
Let's start with Jashobeam. He lead these three warriors, the "three mightiest warriors among David's men".
Before I begin telling you about him though, let me just say a few things. I had heard of these guys, and others before, but literally just hours before writing this I rediscovered them. I became fascinated very quickly by many of the war heroes in the Bible. I chose to write of these three for now. I could probably go on for a long time though about the warriors of old (both in biblical and nonbiblical texts).
Now, Jashobeam. How to put it... Okay, I got it! To become an Ace today in the airforce, you have to get five confirmed kills. Jashobeam would have become an Ace, 40 times, in one single battle. Using just his spear, against an army. That means in one single encounter, Jashobeam killed 800 men. 800 men! And my Bible says "He once used his spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in a single battle" (emphasis mine). This was just one single battle for him. Thas was obviously his largest, because why would anyone choose to tell of a smaller victory, but it still leaves you (or at least me) wondering how many he killed in all his years as a warrior. On the many video games I see these days with kill/death ratios, if there was someone with 800 kills and 0 deaths, he would be banned for hacking! Yet we see that same ratio happen here, and no hacking (except what Jashobeam possibly did to the bodies of his foes). And of course, as I said, you must remember that this was just one battle!
Okay, so Jashobeam was the mightiest of all David's warriors. So he was the main leader of more ordinary warriors, right? Wrong!
"Next in rank among the Three was Eleasar son of Dobai, a descendant of Ahoah. Once Ealeazar and David stood together against the Philistines when the entire Istraelite army had fled."
So let me explain this to you. Israel was at war with the Philistines. The Philistines are the bad guys, and the entire good guy army just ran away. Except for David and Eleazar. The entire Israelite army! Except for these two guys, just left standing there. Here's what happens next:
"He killed Philistines until his hand was too tired to lift his sword, and the Lord gave him a great victory that day. The rest of the army did not return until it was time to collect the plunder!"
So, these two big armies came together to fight. The good guys run, except for their leader and one of his best warriors. The entire enemy army attacks. These two men kill all of them. The entire Israelite army that fled merely comes back to find a field strewn with corpses of the Philistines, and all they have to do is collect the plunder. And I highly doubt these "armies" were small warbands of a few dozen warriors. When we read other mentions of the Philistines, and other enemies of Israel, as well as the armies of Israel itself, we hear of numbers in the thousands. Or tens of thousands. Or even hundreds of thousands! So I really doubt that David and Eleazar fought a few dozen men. After all, Jashobeam killed 800 in one encounter! How many Philistines lay dead at the end of this day? I can only imagine...
And finally, Shammah. The third warrior in the Three.
"One time the Philistines gathered at Lehi and attacked the Israelites in a field full of lentils. The Israelite army fled,"
I'm starting to see a patter here. The Israelites and the Philistines come together to fight, then the Israelites run away. But...
"but Shammah held his ground in the middle of the field and beat back the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory."
One of Israelites great leaders/warriors seem to come and save the day. Okay, reread that section above. "but Shamah held his ground. . . and beat back the Philistines" Not only did Shammah kill them, he actually drove them back! Now this is one man we are talking about here! Once again, we see the Israelite army run, but this time we see one warrior stay behind. And do the work of an entire army.
Now I challenge you to find one historical example (other than the Bible, there are several) of someone, anyone, who can beat these exploits. And remember, the Philistines are known for having large armies. Whenever I hear the word "Philistines" in the Bible associated with a number, that number is always at least a thousand. So, we've seen instances of two men killing an entire army and one man driving an entire army back. Yet another of one man killing 800 enemy soldiers with his spear in one battle. Beat that. Can you find one provable instance of anyone else in history who can do something like that? Likely not, since these were men of the Almigthy.
Oh, and just to top it off, one final exploit of the Three was thrown in. The Philistines occupied Bethlehem, and David wanted a drink from the well at the gates of Bethlehem. So when the Three heard this, what did they do? Did they just think to themselves "well, once the Philistines leave we'll make sure our first task is to get him a drink"? No. Did they decide to gather the army and attack? Nope.
They broke through the Philistine lines at Bethlehem themself to get a drink for David. Three men broke into the city occupied by the enemy army just to get some water from a well. Then what happened? David saw the water as to good for him to drink, or as he said "This water is as precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me." So he offered it to the Almighty instead.
So the score so far:
Jeshobeam: killed 800 men in one battle
Eleazar: killed an entire army with David
Shammah: drove back in entire army by himself
The Three: broke through enemy lines in an occupied town to gather water from a well which was used as an offering for the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
Beat that. I beg of you, beat it.
I was preparing to right this post when I suddenly read this passage immediately before the section I was going to talk about. It seemed to fit will as a means of explaining what I am about to talk about. So what am I talking about than? War.
Warriors specifically. To be even more specific, I will be focusing mainly on three warriors: Jashobeam, Eleazar, and Shammah. These were David's mightiest warriors out of all his mighty warriors. These guys were the best of the best. And they weren't simply labeled that; they earned it.
Let's start with Jashobeam. He lead these three warriors, the "three mightiest warriors among David's men".
Before I begin telling you about him though, let me just say a few things. I had heard of these guys, and others before, but literally just hours before writing this I rediscovered them. I became fascinated very quickly by many of the war heroes in the Bible. I chose to write of these three for now. I could probably go on for a long time though about the warriors of old (both in biblical and nonbiblical texts).
Now, Jashobeam. How to put it... Okay, I got it! To become an Ace today in the airforce, you have to get five confirmed kills. Jashobeam would have become an Ace, 40 times, in one single battle. Using just his spear, against an army. That means in one single encounter, Jashobeam killed 800 men. 800 men! And my Bible says "He once used his spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in a single battle" (emphasis mine). This was just one single battle for him. Thas was obviously his largest, because why would anyone choose to tell of a smaller victory, but it still leaves you (or at least me) wondering how many he killed in all his years as a warrior. On the many video games I see these days with kill/death ratios, if there was someone with 800 kills and 0 deaths, he would be banned for hacking! Yet we see that same ratio happen here, and no hacking (except what Jashobeam possibly did to the bodies of his foes). And of course, as I said, you must remember that this was just one battle!
Okay, so Jashobeam was the mightiest of all David's warriors. So he was the main leader of more ordinary warriors, right? Wrong!
"Next in rank among the Three was Eleasar son of Dobai, a descendant of Ahoah. Once Ealeazar and David stood together against the Philistines when the entire Istraelite army had fled."
So let me explain this to you. Israel was at war with the Philistines. The Philistines are the bad guys, and the entire good guy army just ran away. Except for David and Eleazar. The entire Israelite army! Except for these two guys, just left standing there. Here's what happens next:
"He killed Philistines until his hand was too tired to lift his sword, and the Lord gave him a great victory that day. The rest of the army did not return until it was time to collect the plunder!"
So, these two big armies came together to fight. The good guys run, except for their leader and one of his best warriors. The entire enemy army attacks. These two men kill all of them. The entire Israelite army that fled merely comes back to find a field strewn with corpses of the Philistines, and all they have to do is collect the plunder. And I highly doubt these "armies" were small warbands of a few dozen warriors. When we read other mentions of the Philistines, and other enemies of Israel, as well as the armies of Israel itself, we hear of numbers in the thousands. Or tens of thousands. Or even hundreds of thousands! So I really doubt that David and Eleazar fought a few dozen men. After all, Jashobeam killed 800 in one encounter! How many Philistines lay dead at the end of this day? I can only imagine...
And finally, Shammah. The third warrior in the Three.
"One time the Philistines gathered at Lehi and attacked the Israelites in a field full of lentils. The Israelite army fled,"
I'm starting to see a patter here. The Israelites and the Philistines come together to fight, then the Israelites run away. But...
"but Shammah held his ground in the middle of the field and beat back the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory."
One of Israelites great leaders/warriors seem to come and save the day. Okay, reread that section above. "but Shamah held his ground. . . and beat back the Philistines" Not only did Shammah kill them, he actually drove them back! Now this is one man we are talking about here! Once again, we see the Israelite army run, but this time we see one warrior stay behind. And do the work of an entire army.
Now I challenge you to find one historical example (other than the Bible, there are several) of someone, anyone, who can beat these exploits. And remember, the Philistines are known for having large armies. Whenever I hear the word "Philistines" in the Bible associated with a number, that number is always at least a thousand. So, we've seen instances of two men killing an entire army and one man driving an entire army back. Yet another of one man killing 800 enemy soldiers with his spear in one battle. Beat that. Can you find one provable instance of anyone else in history who can do something like that? Likely not, since these were men of the Almigthy.
Oh, and just to top it off, one final exploit of the Three was thrown in. The Philistines occupied Bethlehem, and David wanted a drink from the well at the gates of Bethlehem. So when the Three heard this, what did they do? Did they just think to themselves "well, once the Philistines leave we'll make sure our first task is to get him a drink"? No. Did they decide to gather the army and attack? Nope.
They broke through the Philistine lines at Bethlehem themself to get a drink for David. Three men broke into the city occupied by the enemy army just to get some water from a well. Then what happened? David saw the water as to good for him to drink, or as he said "This water is as precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me." So he offered it to the Almighty instead.
So the score so far:
Jeshobeam: killed 800 men in one battle
Eleazar: killed an entire army with David
Shammah: drove back in entire army by himself
The Three: broke through enemy lines in an occupied town to gather water from a well which was used as an offering for the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
Beat that. I beg of you, beat it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Theology of Books
I am not sure the name of this post is the most accurate description, but it's what I came up with. This post is about something I came to realize about both how man made stories work and how the real world works in relation to the Creator. I have a few points and revalations here, not sure how many I will get to. I will simply type them as they come to mind.
My first one, which I believe I understand the best, is how the Almighty can be outside of our time. Now, just the name alone should tell you how, but I mean I understand on a more intimate level, I suppose. By that I mean I understand it on a level deeper than words. Hard to explain, but if you understand something on that deep of level, you know what I mean.
To explain it, I need to explain to you how I came to understand all of these principles or whatever. I am writing a couple of books. I have been using the analogy of myself as a writer over the worlds in my books to relate to how the Creator is over this world (and everything else).
My first big revalation, as I remember, was how He is outside of our time. I don't know if you have ever written a book or script or anything, but as you write it, you are outside the time of the world inside that book or story. That is how it is with my books. I know the end and the begining. I know what will happen to my characters long before they do. I can experience their future or past as if it were my present. The entire lifetime of one of my characters can seem as a moment to me. It is the same with us and the Creator of this universe. If anyone would like a deeper explanation, just ask. I could make a whole post about it if I pushed it.
One of my next revalations was how things like miracles and other strange things could work in stories. If you are accustomed to thinking from a perspective with no higher power, such as athiests and others try to do, you believe you must do everything on your own. Same thing with stories. At first, I was writing it as though there were no higher power. But, the way I was writing made that impossible. I was writing it through the eyes of one of the characters, but about things that he was not there to experience. Or in same cases, possibly no one was there to experience. I tried to come up with scenarios that would explain how he could write about these things that he wasn't there to experience. In some cases, the very things that happened in other's minds. How could my characters know the secret thoughts of another? Or know what they felt? Or know what an animal did when no one was around? Simple; me, as the creator of that world, would tell him.
As the creator of that world, I am have power that none of them understand. I want the entire world to turn into a hotdog? All I must do is imagine it, and all of the mountains, oceans, forests and so one will all be one large hotdog. I want a character to just barely survive a battle? He will. Just as I say it will be. I want an asteroid storm? It will happen. It is similar to how the Creator of this world works, except on a much larger scale. Imagine how weak a thought in your head is compared to you. You have control over your imagination, if you want something to happen in there, it does. It is even more so with the Almighty and his creation. And me, as a writer, am just living out a smaller version of what He does. I am, after all, created in His image.
This concept is based off something I read in one of C.S. Lewis's books. He called it "sub-creation". That is a more... philosphical term, for lack of a better word, than imagination is. His theory was since we were made in the image of the Creator, and obviously the Creator loved to create, we should too. Others of his period (and all times in history of that) thought it ungodly to make our own worlds in our minds. Lewis believed just the opposite! By making our own sub-creations, we are merely praising the Lord once again! I don't recall him putting it that way, that was me, but you should hopefully get my point. Our sub-creations aren't offensive to the Lord, unless we make them so, they are actually what He planned for us to do! At least that is what I believe.
I will make my last point here. It is a revalation I made about how anything we do, such as doing our boring, everyday job, or just about anything else that doesn't seem like worship in church, could still be praising the Creator. I realized this, just like everything else here, because of my "sub-creations" and relating to the real creation and it's Creator. Everything that happens in my made up worlds, good or bad, is a testament to my imagination. There is a mighty storm, it is a testament of my power over the world of my imagination. A young soldier who is mocked in the military yet keeps his morals strong? A testament to the power of what I created in that world. This can be applied to everything in my sub-creations. Even if it is something evil, it still shows my power over my creation.
Same thing in the real world. A man is mocked for his faith? It is a testament to what the Almighty has made, such strong faith. There is a mighty storm killing millions? Yet another testament to the Almighty. An insane tyrant murdering or enslaving thousands and causing many great evils? Still, a testament to the Lord. That tyrant will be punished as he deserves, but it is still a testament of the Lord's power. And everytime something in my sub-creations testafies to my power over it, I am testafying to the Lord his power. For without me, nothing in my sub-creation could happen; it wouldn't even exist. Without the Creator of all that we see here, I would not even exist.
I have more I could add. I will likely make another post in the future. If you liked what you read here, comment and let me know. I can make another post. Ask questions, share this, stuff like that; please. I want to know what people think of my ponderings.
My first one, which I believe I understand the best, is how the Almighty can be outside of our time. Now, just the name alone should tell you how, but I mean I understand on a more intimate level, I suppose. By that I mean I understand it on a level deeper than words. Hard to explain, but if you understand something on that deep of level, you know what I mean.
To explain it, I need to explain to you how I came to understand all of these principles or whatever. I am writing a couple of books. I have been using the analogy of myself as a writer over the worlds in my books to relate to how the Creator is over this world (and everything else).
My first big revalation, as I remember, was how He is outside of our time. I don't know if you have ever written a book or script or anything, but as you write it, you are outside the time of the world inside that book or story. That is how it is with my books. I know the end and the begining. I know what will happen to my characters long before they do. I can experience their future or past as if it were my present. The entire lifetime of one of my characters can seem as a moment to me. It is the same with us and the Creator of this universe. If anyone would like a deeper explanation, just ask. I could make a whole post about it if I pushed it.
One of my next revalations was how things like miracles and other strange things could work in stories. If you are accustomed to thinking from a perspective with no higher power, such as athiests and others try to do, you believe you must do everything on your own. Same thing with stories. At first, I was writing it as though there were no higher power. But, the way I was writing made that impossible. I was writing it through the eyes of one of the characters, but about things that he was not there to experience. Or in same cases, possibly no one was there to experience. I tried to come up with scenarios that would explain how he could write about these things that he wasn't there to experience. In some cases, the very things that happened in other's minds. How could my characters know the secret thoughts of another? Or know what they felt? Or know what an animal did when no one was around? Simple; me, as the creator of that world, would tell him.
As the creator of that world, I am have power that none of them understand. I want the entire world to turn into a hotdog? All I must do is imagine it, and all of the mountains, oceans, forests and so one will all be one large hotdog. I want a character to just barely survive a battle? He will. Just as I say it will be. I want an asteroid storm? It will happen. It is similar to how the Creator of this world works, except on a much larger scale. Imagine how weak a thought in your head is compared to you. You have control over your imagination, if you want something to happen in there, it does. It is even more so with the Almighty and his creation. And me, as a writer, am just living out a smaller version of what He does. I am, after all, created in His image.
This concept is based off something I read in one of C.S. Lewis's books. He called it "sub-creation". That is a more... philosphical term, for lack of a better word, than imagination is. His theory was since we were made in the image of the Creator, and obviously the Creator loved to create, we should too. Others of his period (and all times in history of that) thought it ungodly to make our own worlds in our minds. Lewis believed just the opposite! By making our own sub-creations, we are merely praising the Lord once again! I don't recall him putting it that way, that was me, but you should hopefully get my point. Our sub-creations aren't offensive to the Lord, unless we make them so, they are actually what He planned for us to do! At least that is what I believe.
I will make my last point here. It is a revalation I made about how anything we do, such as doing our boring, everyday job, or just about anything else that doesn't seem like worship in church, could still be praising the Creator. I realized this, just like everything else here, because of my "sub-creations" and relating to the real creation and it's Creator. Everything that happens in my made up worlds, good or bad, is a testament to my imagination. There is a mighty storm, it is a testament of my power over the world of my imagination. A young soldier who is mocked in the military yet keeps his morals strong? A testament to the power of what I created in that world. This can be applied to everything in my sub-creations. Even if it is something evil, it still shows my power over my creation.
Same thing in the real world. A man is mocked for his faith? It is a testament to what the Almighty has made, such strong faith. There is a mighty storm killing millions? Yet another testament to the Almighty. An insane tyrant murdering or enslaving thousands and causing many great evils? Still, a testament to the Lord. That tyrant will be punished as he deserves, but it is still a testament of the Lord's power. And everytime something in my sub-creations testafies to my power over it, I am testafying to the Lord his power. For without me, nothing in my sub-creation could happen; it wouldn't even exist. Without the Creator of all that we see here, I would not even exist.
I have more I could add. I will likely make another post in the future. If you liked what you read here, comment and let me know. I can make another post. Ask questions, share this, stuff like that; please. I want to know what people think of my ponderings.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Damascus Steel
Once again talking about ancient technology, here are some of my old thoughts (along with a few new ones) on the steel of legend. This steel, according to these legends, was strong enough to cut through solid stone and remain sharp enough to cut falling silk. Of course, these legends could just be a major exaggeration, but if man really was as smart in the past as I believe, I wouldn't put it past them.
Here is a picture of our "modern" damascus steel:
Pretty unique look, isn't it? This is pretty much how it is believed to have looked. Of course, I believe we have lost the special techniques they would have used to make it so strong in the past. And if you think that story is a little far fetched, here's another, more recent story I heard.
I got to meet an actual knife maker. It was a hobby for him, but now he makes a pretty good profit out of it. Enough of a profit to make knives out of armor grade metal. He once even made a knife, put it in a clamp, and shot it three times with a .50 calibre bullet. The knife was a bit roughed up, but otherwise just fine.
If I lived in ancient history, and was rich enough to afford a damascus blade, I would like one of this type of design:
2100 and 2103 are my favorites of those in the picture, I think. But a damascus sword like this would be pretty amazing thing to have. Imagine it, a sword so sharp I could drop a cloth on it and the cloth would be sliced right through. Then of course, the blade would be incredibly tough and dull very slowly. I could easily cut a man in half and not even have to worry about sharpening the blade!
Yes, I do like to imagine a bit sometimes. You must remember though, it isn't really all to far of a stretch for ancient man to make weapons like this if you think about it.
Okay, so this short post was about the boy inside me. We all have to have a little fun, don't we?
Here is a picture of our "modern" damascus steel:
Pretty unique look, isn't it? This is pretty much how it is believed to have looked. Of course, I believe we have lost the special techniques they would have used to make it so strong in the past. And if you think that story is a little far fetched, here's another, more recent story I heard.
I got to meet an actual knife maker. It was a hobby for him, but now he makes a pretty good profit out of it. Enough of a profit to make knives out of armor grade metal. He once even made a knife, put it in a clamp, and shot it three times with a .50 calibre bullet. The knife was a bit roughed up, but otherwise just fine.
If I lived in ancient history, and was rich enough to afford a damascus blade, I would like one of this type of design:
2100 and 2103 are my favorites of those in the picture, I think. But a damascus sword like this would be pretty amazing thing to have. Imagine it, a sword so sharp I could drop a cloth on it and the cloth would be sliced right through. Then of course, the blade would be incredibly tough and dull very slowly. I could easily cut a man in half and not even have to worry about sharpening the blade!
Yes, I do like to imagine a bit sometimes. You must remember though, it isn't really all to far of a stretch for ancient man to make weapons like this if you think about it.
Okay, so this short post was about the boy inside me. We all have to have a little fun, don't we?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Men and Angels
When you hear the word "Angel", especially when talking about heavenly beings, what image appears in your mind?
Chances are, it is something loosely based off pictures like this one:
Obviously, it may not be exactly like that. But let me tell you this, I can almost guarantee you imagined it having wings. Why is this? Because of pictures like the one above. You see, as far as I can tell, the Bible never mentions angels having wings. Other heavenly beings do, but not angels.
I decided to make this post after reading in Judges chapter 6. In that chapter, Gideon is met by an angel of the Lord. When Gideon first began talking to the angel, he thought he was talking to just a man. This is consistent with many encounters between men (or women) and angels. Many times, they seem indistinguishable from any other person. This is the case with Gideon and the angel. Gideon never even realizes he's talking to an angel until the angel makes Gideon's offering burn up in flames by simply touching it with the tip of his staff. The angel disappeared after this, leaving Gideon in shock. He thought he was going to die, having just seen an angel of the Lord.
Most of the times you hear of angels in the Bible, people do not realize they are angels at first. Of course there are other times, the instances in Matthew come to mind, where people realize immediately that they are talking to angels. In cases like this, the angels first must either convince those they are speaking to that 1) they are not going to kill them and/or 2) that the angels themselves should not be praised, but the Lord the messenger serves.
Now, for those few readers of mine who understand what any of these mean: JJ, ((W)) ((W)), WYWUAS, JE, OMBC, and several others, I know what came to your mind when I said "Angel". And guess what, that is a much more accurate description. For those of you who don't know, I am talking about Jackie Evancho.
(Official site:http://www.jackieevancho.com/us/home)
Many call her an angel. Others say she is a super powered being sent down from some advanced alien race, while others say she is possessed by the ghost of a 300 year old opera singer. I'll be talking about the first theory; the "angel" theory.
I mention her because, biblically, she is a better representation of an angel then pictures like the one I showed above. She looks like perfectly normal human being, sounds like one (just not one for her age), acts like one (better than most though), ect. I am not saying she is an angel, at least not a biblical angel sent by the Almighty such as Gabriel or Michael, what I am saying though, is that she is closer to the biblical description. Meaning, no wings and seems like an ordinary person. Of course, angels also have the power to destroy entire armies by themself. I would rather not find out if Jackie could do that, since she is seen as a messenger of peace, and frankly, there's a chance I might be in that destroyed army by then. So I will just say she has an amazing gift from the Creator (who can give whatever gift He wants, to whatever extent, to anyone He wants) but is still a human being.
Now, to continue on, since it feels like I was stagnating. Now, if most encounters with men and angels seem like an encounter between two human beings, such as we see often in the Bible, how many times does that still happen today? I have heard, and I am sure many of my readers have as well, of stories happening even in these modern times of encounters with people they later believe to be angels. Now, if angels seem just like perfectly normal people, how many angels do we see in our life? How many angels have I seen? How many times do we interact with angels on a daily basis? Have I seen any today? I will never know until I get to Heaven. But it does get you thinking. It leaves me thinking...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
In The Beginning... Part 2
In this next section of my "In the beginning" theme, I will talk about ancient man more specifically.
Most of the information I used in making my theories can be found in three books, which I have either read recently or am currently reading. These books are:
The Puzzle of Ancient Man: Evidence for Advanced Technology in Past Civilizations
, Donald E. Chittick
The Remarkable Record of Job
, Henry M. Morris
And finally, the Bible. Written by the Author of everything else in existence.
As I said, it was from reading these books that I drew most, if not all, of these conclusions.
Now based off my first section on "In the beginning", it's been established that the Creator made everything perfect in the beginning; and since then things have degenerated. So let me ask you this, when you hear the words "ancient man", what comes to mind? If it happens to be "cave men", or anything like it, I'm not surprised. That's the image that ideas like evolution has given us. You see, evolution, just like many pagan religions of the past, teaches that man has grown better with time. So naturally, they would want you to think that man in the past was less "evolved" than we are today.
However, if when you imagined something far different when you heard the words "ancient man", such as advanced civilizations with electricity, computers, radio, flying machines, precision cutting tools, anti gravity technology, ect. Then you are considered foolish, stupid, ignorant and likely considered an outcast of some sort from the more "scientific" community and such. Just like me.
If you believe the Bible as I do, you should believe that the Creator made everything "very good". When an Almighty, All Knowing Creator makes something "very good", you better bet that thing is impressive! So if He made man and the rest of creation "very good", why would He make us less than we are today? I already, in part 1, discussed how we were likely much taller and healthier in the past. I believe we could reach heights of over 30 feet in the past. That really isn't so unbelievable when you look at the difference in our ages then and now. On average, before the flood, people seemed to live at least 10 times longer. Is it really so hard to believe they grew to be 5 or 6 times as tall?
Also, if the Almighty made their strength, health, age and height (amongst many other things) so extreme compared to today, why not their intelligence? I hear that the average person uses between 5 and 10% of their mental capacity. Why could that not have been better in the past? Imagine with me, once more, about the world in the beginning. Their world is rich with vegetation everywhere you look. The air is thick and invigorating, and everything is very, very close to how it was before the fall. You are standing in a world only a few centuries old, lets say, 400 years to be precise. You are currently 250 years old, and still considered young. Your however many greats-grandfather, Adam, is just days younger than the earth. He was originally made perfect. How much would both Adam and yourself know? You can use your entire mind all at once, you have lived hundreds of years, you were given all the knowledge you need by the Creator, and you are in nearly perfect health. This is what it was like in the beginning. At least, that's how I see it.
Oh yes, and at this point we would all speak one language as well. This is a very important point that I may speak on more some day.
It is believed, if I remember right, that the flood happened 1645 years after creation. I know it was less than 1700 years for sure, according to our estimations based off the accounts given in the Bible. With man, and the rest of creation, in a state so similar to that of the pre-fall world, we could have increased both population and technology very quickly. It is likely that pre-flood man had technology we can't even imagine, as well as population possibly several billion above our current population today.
Here is actually a site I looked at recently that outlines what I'm talking about: http://ldolphin.org/popul.html
And the specific chart I'm using for now:
This site is what helped me form my theory, which is me really agreeing with them, about how the pre-flood world could have had such extreme numbers. The person who put that together, and made the calculation, believes this to be a low estimate.
Since their minds would also have been much stronger, and they more recently had their knowledge from the Lord, people likely had much better technology. And even if you were to disregard all this, they lived for hundreds of years! Imagine what they could learn and teach in that time.
I nearly forgot. Just to show that I don't get all my opinions just from listening to people who agree with me, I also began forming these very opinions from this series that contradicts my beliefs: That is the first part of several. It's called Ancient Aliens.
It was really enjoyable to watch. All I had to do was ignore their conclusions, look at the evidence they provided, and come to my own conclusions. And since my view was based off something very simple and logical (also true), I could come to conclusions quickly and easily. The opinions of those who made the videos, however, seemed a little shaky.
My conclusions were based off the fact that man was created very intelligent, far more so then we are today. As a matter of fact, when the pyramids were first discovered by our "modern" civilisations in the late 1800's I believe, the pyramids, even after thousands of years of decay, were so precisely built that we did not have the technology to measure just how precisely they were built. It is believed that those very minute imperfections didn't even exist when the pyramids were made, and were in fact from so much decay. I can't remember the specifics of all this, but what I'm talking about may be found in the chapter discussion Egyptian technology in "The Puzzle of Ancient Man".
Because man was so much more intelligent in the past, it shouldn't be a surprise then when we see these old pieces of architecture that we couldn't even build today. Or see evidence for technology we can't understand, or even imagine. If the Creator was All Knowing, and made us in His image, why wouldn't he make us so smart? So when we hear that ancient man might have had some sort of anti gravity or gravity manipulating technology, should we be so quick to doubt it? Or just say it was "slave labor"? No, not if you believe in an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Existing Creator as I do.
That is all for now. I'm taking it easy for today. Going to focus on my music now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzQvd6AnZrY
Most of the information I used in making my theories can be found in three books, which I have either read recently or am currently reading. These books are:
The Puzzle of Ancient Man: Evidence for Advanced Technology in Past Civilizations
, Donald E. Chittick
The Remarkable Record of Job
, Henry M. Morris
And finally, the Bible. Written by the Author of everything else in existence.
As I said, it was from reading these books that I drew most, if not all, of these conclusions.
Now based off my first section on "In the beginning", it's been established that the Creator made everything perfect in the beginning; and since then things have degenerated. So let me ask you this, when you hear the words "ancient man", what comes to mind? If it happens to be "cave men", or anything like it, I'm not surprised. That's the image that ideas like evolution has given us. You see, evolution, just like many pagan religions of the past, teaches that man has grown better with time. So naturally, they would want you to think that man in the past was less "evolved" than we are today.
However, if when you imagined something far different when you heard the words "ancient man", such as advanced civilizations with electricity, computers, radio, flying machines, precision cutting tools, anti gravity technology, ect. Then you are considered foolish, stupid, ignorant and likely considered an outcast of some sort from the more "scientific" community and such. Just like me.
If you believe the Bible as I do, you should believe that the Creator made everything "very good". When an Almighty, All Knowing Creator makes something "very good", you better bet that thing is impressive! So if He made man and the rest of creation "very good", why would He make us less than we are today? I already, in part 1, discussed how we were likely much taller and healthier in the past. I believe we could reach heights of over 30 feet in the past. That really isn't so unbelievable when you look at the difference in our ages then and now. On average, before the flood, people seemed to live at least 10 times longer. Is it really so hard to believe they grew to be 5 or 6 times as tall?
Also, if the Almighty made their strength, health, age and height (amongst many other things) so extreme compared to today, why not their intelligence? I hear that the average person uses between 5 and 10% of their mental capacity. Why could that not have been better in the past? Imagine with me, once more, about the world in the beginning. Their world is rich with vegetation everywhere you look. The air is thick and invigorating, and everything is very, very close to how it was before the fall. You are standing in a world only a few centuries old, lets say, 400 years to be precise. You are currently 250 years old, and still considered young. Your however many greats-grandfather, Adam, is just days younger than the earth. He was originally made perfect. How much would both Adam and yourself know? You can use your entire mind all at once, you have lived hundreds of years, you were given all the knowledge you need by the Creator, and you are in nearly perfect health. This is what it was like in the beginning. At least, that's how I see it.
Oh yes, and at this point we would all speak one language as well. This is a very important point that I may speak on more some day.
It is believed, if I remember right, that the flood happened 1645 years after creation. I know it was less than 1700 years for sure, according to our estimations based off the accounts given in the Bible. With man, and the rest of creation, in a state so similar to that of the pre-fall world, we could have increased both population and technology very quickly. It is likely that pre-flood man had technology we can't even imagine, as well as population possibly several billion above our current population today.
Here is actually a site I looked at recently that outlines what I'm talking about: http://ldolphin.org/popul.html

This site is what helped me form my theory, which is me really agreeing with them, about how the pre-flood world could have had such extreme numbers. The person who put that together, and made the calculation, believes this to be a low estimate.
Since their minds would also have been much stronger, and they more recently had their knowledge from the Lord, people likely had much better technology. And even if you were to disregard all this, they lived for hundreds of years! Imagine what they could learn and teach in that time.
I nearly forgot. Just to show that I don't get all my opinions just from listening to people who agree with me, I also began forming these very opinions from this series that contradicts my beliefs: That is the first part of several. It's called Ancient Aliens.
It was really enjoyable to watch. All I had to do was ignore their conclusions, look at the evidence they provided, and come to my own conclusions. And since my view was based off something very simple and logical (also true), I could come to conclusions quickly and easily. The opinions of those who made the videos, however, seemed a little shaky.
My conclusions were based off the fact that man was created very intelligent, far more so then we are today. As a matter of fact, when the pyramids were first discovered by our "modern" civilisations in the late 1800's I believe, the pyramids, even after thousands of years of decay, were so precisely built that we did not have the technology to measure just how precisely they were built. It is believed that those very minute imperfections didn't even exist when the pyramids were made, and were in fact from so much decay. I can't remember the specifics of all this, but what I'm talking about may be found in the chapter discussion Egyptian technology in "The Puzzle of Ancient Man".
Because man was so much more intelligent in the past, it shouldn't be a surprise then when we see these old pieces of architecture that we couldn't even build today. Or see evidence for technology we can't understand, or even imagine. If the Creator was All Knowing, and made us in His image, why wouldn't he make us so smart? So when we hear that ancient man might have had some sort of anti gravity or gravity manipulating technology, should we be so quick to doubt it? Or just say it was "slave labor"? No, not if you believe in an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Existing Creator as I do.
That is all for now. I'm taking it easy for today. Going to focus on my music now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzQvd6AnZrY
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Warrior, the Beast, and the Voice.
I was listening to music and looking at pictures one day, when I came up with an idea for a video. I had been looking at pictures from the Hubble Telescope and listening to the song "Angel" song by Jackie Evancho. Here is a link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwSd6pd5UAQ
I was listening to that while looking at the pictures of space. It was really wonderous. So I got the idea to share that experience with everyone and make a video. Here it is:
Hubble Telescope - Angel - Jackie Evancho from Murry Folt on Vimeo.
[Edit: I had to upload the video to Vimeo because the original was taken of Youtube]
The reason I'm telling you all this? Because I am still wondering why it all happened; and at how good it turned out for how little work I put into it. I have a very strong feel the Creator wanted to show off a small aspect of his creation. So he guided my time so I would be listening to that song while looking at the Hubble pics, and then get the idea for the video. It really is quite an interesting thought, isn't it? And if you don't agree to my theory, and think it was just coincidence, then say something. I would like to have a good, respectable debate with someone. I won't change my mind, but it would still be fun.
Now, there is more reason to why I brought all of this up. Not just to say I made a video or how good I think it is, but to explain more of my thoughts behind it. This blog is called "De' Tinker's Thoughts", after all.
I find it very incredible that even with such high detailed pictures as the ones I found, there are still a poor representation at just how large and grand everything out there is. The largest picture I found was over 200 megabytes, and came out to being nearly half a billion pixels large. It may seem as though it showed a lot, but in reality, it showed an infinitely small portion of the universe. Yet, even the smallest nebulaes in the picture were likely hundreds or thousands of times the size of earth.
The purpose of this post is really just to try and comprehend how great the Creator is, as this post seems to be doing now. So you are about to read the same thoughts that go through my head. I'll just type out how amazing I think it is.
I still can't wrap my head around the size of some of the objects in these pictures! This one is my favorite:

Source: Hubblesite.org
How large is that field? I really don't know, and I don't want to cheat on Google. All I know is that it's larger than I can imagine. It looks like a painting. The vast amount of colors all flowing and blending together, the strange and exotic shapes, the bright points of light from stars, all of it! We are very fortunate that we found it, yet how many more grand paintings are we missing in a galaxy so large? I feel sorry for those who feel these are there without cause. I truly do.
Here is my favorite picture with a story in it that I see:
Source: Hubblesite.org
I see it as a battle in the heavens. On the right we have one heavenly being who is bent down on one knee, with his back turned facing the left. He is using his back and arm as a shield to protect himself from the being on the left. This being on the right, who is red, appears large and muscular, with large beard and long hair. I imagine him as an old warrior, with grey hair, who has lived a long life of war. This warrior has power that can only exist in the vastness of the heavens. He is even more powerful the the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and Romans. He is a warrior of the stars.
On the left I see another heavenly being. It has the head of a bear, the wings of a dragon, and the arms of a great warrior. This being is attacking the warrior with a force that has put the great warrior on the defence. That great, bright light in the center is the blast issuing forth from the beasts's hands, and it spreads out and around the warrior on the right, who is defending himself. The beast has other heavenly forces surrounding him, which swirl around him as different colored lights and gases. They appear as strange shapes surrounding the beast.
The warrior also has other beings fighting with him. Both behind and in front of him, I see other faces moving towards the beast and his companions. Both these faces and the other beings behind the beast are as spirits it seems. The do not take forms we are used to. Even the beast and the warrior are as spirits, for neither of them look like anything we see on earth.
Okay, I let my imagination run wild up there, but that is what I see. There is so much more as well, I just can't find a way to describe it! And this was one picture! I have run out of words for this right now, but maybe another time. So for now, I will discuss the music!
The little girl who sang the song, Jackie Evancho, is only 11. Or at least at the time both that PBS performance was shot and this post was made, she was 11. I hope she will live well beyond that. Anyway, I find it difficult to describe the music now as well! The Creator seemed to have taken one of these spirits, or beings, or something from the heavens above, and put it in this little girl when she was a baby. Just as the warrior and beast I mentioned above can't be contained on earth, it seems this voice can't either. I believe this to be so because the Creator Himself sings with her every time. This is why when people hear her, they immediately describe it as heavenly, angelic, and beautiful.
Her voice in adding to the grandeur of this video is amazing! Many of the words in the song also fit perfectly with the images. I didn't pick the song either. It is what I "happened" to be listening to at the time. Take a guess at who really picked the song? Jackie really adds the heavenly touch to these pictures. Either are great by themselves, but together they are wonderful as well! After describing the battle above, I don't have the words to describe the voice narrating it. Well, maybe another time. I might make a whole post just for this "Angel" among us, as many like to say.
One final closing thought. That video I posted above, I didn't make it. I couldn't have. Yes, I downloaded the pictures, I put them in the video, I put the music on, I rendered the video, I uploaded it to youtube, all of that. By I didn't make it. The Alighty did. He wants people to look up to Him once again and simply say, "Holy, holy, holy..." He is tired of those who can look at His creation and say, "There is no God!" He gave us these beautiful landscapes in the heavens, and he gave us what many call "an angel among us", Jackie, to bless us with her voice. Yet people deny Him. Is that why my video exists?
I was listening to that while looking at the pictures of space. It was really wonderous. So I got the idea to share that experience with everyone and make a video. Here it is:
Hubble Telescope - Angel - Jackie Evancho from Murry Folt on Vimeo.
[Edit: I had to upload the video to Vimeo because the original was taken of Youtube]
The reason I'm telling you all this? Because I am still wondering why it all happened; and at how good it turned out for how little work I put into it. I have a very strong feel the Creator wanted to show off a small aspect of his creation. So he guided my time so I would be listening to that song while looking at the Hubble pics, and then get the idea for the video. It really is quite an interesting thought, isn't it? And if you don't agree to my theory, and think it was just coincidence, then say something. I would like to have a good, respectable debate with someone. I won't change my mind, but it would still be fun.
Now, there is more reason to why I brought all of this up. Not just to say I made a video or how good I think it is, but to explain more of my thoughts behind it. This blog is called "De' Tinker's Thoughts", after all.
I find it very incredible that even with such high detailed pictures as the ones I found, there are still a poor representation at just how large and grand everything out there is. The largest picture I found was over 200 megabytes, and came out to being nearly half a billion pixels large. It may seem as though it showed a lot, but in reality, it showed an infinitely small portion of the universe. Yet, even the smallest nebulaes in the picture were likely hundreds or thousands of times the size of earth.
The purpose of this post is really just to try and comprehend how great the Creator is, as this post seems to be doing now. So you are about to read the same thoughts that go through my head. I'll just type out how amazing I think it is.
I still can't wrap my head around the size of some of the objects in these pictures! This one is my favorite:
Source: Hubblesite.org
How large is that field? I really don't know, and I don't want to cheat on Google. All I know is that it's larger than I can imagine. It looks like a painting. The vast amount of colors all flowing and blending together, the strange and exotic shapes, the bright points of light from stars, all of it! We are very fortunate that we found it, yet how many more grand paintings are we missing in a galaxy so large? I feel sorry for those who feel these are there without cause. I truly do.
Here is my favorite picture with a story in it that I see:
Source: Hubblesite.org
I see it as a battle in the heavens. On the right we have one heavenly being who is bent down on one knee, with his back turned facing the left. He is using his back and arm as a shield to protect himself from the being on the left. This being on the right, who is red, appears large and muscular, with large beard and long hair. I imagine him as an old warrior, with grey hair, who has lived a long life of war. This warrior has power that can only exist in the vastness of the heavens. He is even more powerful the the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and Romans. He is a warrior of the stars.
On the left I see another heavenly being. It has the head of a bear, the wings of a dragon, and the arms of a great warrior. This being is attacking the warrior with a force that has put the great warrior on the defence. That great, bright light in the center is the blast issuing forth from the beasts's hands, and it spreads out and around the warrior on the right, who is defending himself. The beast has other heavenly forces surrounding him, which swirl around him as different colored lights and gases. They appear as strange shapes surrounding the beast.
The warrior also has other beings fighting with him. Both behind and in front of him, I see other faces moving towards the beast and his companions. Both these faces and the other beings behind the beast are as spirits it seems. The do not take forms we are used to. Even the beast and the warrior are as spirits, for neither of them look like anything we see on earth.
Okay, I let my imagination run wild up there, but that is what I see. There is so much more as well, I just can't find a way to describe it! And this was one picture! I have run out of words for this right now, but maybe another time. So for now, I will discuss the music!
The little girl who sang the song, Jackie Evancho, is only 11. Or at least at the time both that PBS performance was shot and this post was made, she was 11. I hope she will live well beyond that. Anyway, I find it difficult to describe the music now as well! The Creator seemed to have taken one of these spirits, or beings, or something from the heavens above, and put it in this little girl when she was a baby. Just as the warrior and beast I mentioned above can't be contained on earth, it seems this voice can't either. I believe this to be so because the Creator Himself sings with her every time. This is why when people hear her, they immediately describe it as heavenly, angelic, and beautiful.
Her voice in adding to the grandeur of this video is amazing! Many of the words in the song also fit perfectly with the images. I didn't pick the song either. It is what I "happened" to be listening to at the time. Take a guess at who really picked the song? Jackie really adds the heavenly touch to these pictures. Either are great by themselves, but together they are wonderful as well! After describing the battle above, I don't have the words to describe the voice narrating it. Well, maybe another time. I might make a whole post just for this "Angel" among us, as many like to say.
One final closing thought. That video I posted above, I didn't make it. I couldn't have. Yes, I downloaded the pictures, I put them in the video, I put the music on, I rendered the video, I uploaded it to youtube, all of that. By I didn't make it. The Alighty did. He wants people to look up to Him once again and simply say, "Holy, holy, holy..." He is tired of those who can look at His creation and say, "There is no God!" He gave us these beautiful landscapes in the heavens, and he gave us what many call "an angel among us", Jackie, to bless us with her voice. Yet people deny Him. Is that why my video exists?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
In The Beginning... Part 1
[I had originally meant this to be one post, but as I went along, I realized that would not be the case. So here is part 1 of "In The Beginning..."]
If you truly believe the Bible and all it says, then you believe that before there was time there was the Almighty. If you truly believe the Bible, you will believe that by merely speaking the Almighty created time, the laws of physics, the entire light spectrum; all the stars, nebualaes, galaxies in the universe; the angels and other heavenly beings along with the master pieces that we see in the heavens; and so much more!
Not only did the Almighty create it all, He created it perfect. He used the atmosphere to protect us from the deadly radiation of outer space by making it thicker and having a different combination of gases, and it was this atmosphere which also would have allowed the plants to grow bigger, faster, and richer than they have anytime since. The entire world would likely have been close to places such as the Amazon today. Except... there would be no annoying and deadly creatures, poisenous plants, or dangerous diseases. There would also have likely have been even more plants.
I feel I should explain the atmosphere some more. I don't have all the science know how, nor do I have the links and such for now, but if you feel you need to verify what I say, you can find the research. I am just pulling the knowledge from my head; most of this I got from books though. So not some random stuff I read on the internet. I will also be using logic and common sense based off of a Biblical perspective. That is why I began this post the way I did, so that when I mention things others say are impossible, you need only remember what the Creator has done.
So, the atmosphere. Well, it is believed (I'll use that term for modesty, though I believe it is a well known fact by most scientists) that there used to be many more green house gases in the atmosphere, as well as oxygen. That sounds almost like simply making the air denser. Scientists also have found evidence that the atmosphere was thicker in the past. There have been experiments, however, of what an atmosphere like this does. If you want to look up research for this, just look up "Hyperbaric Atmosphere" or something. That is what I believe it was like during the beginning of creation. It has been proved (meaning actually been done to real people) that a hyperbaric atmosphere can speed up the rate of healing and provide almost action-film like energy to people. There have been instances of both people and animals who were injured to such an extant that it was believed nothing could be done. So, they simply stuck them in a hyperbaric chamber. The body took care of itself from there.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that we did have a hyperbaric atmosphere in the past. Just as it has such an effect on people and animals, it has a strong effect on plants. The plants would have been HUGE! There would have been so many, and they would have been so healthy, plus the superpower like atmosphere, everything could have grown very large and lived very long. I believe that people grew to be over thirty feet tall in this period and for hundreds of years after. You think that sounds over the top? You simple minded people! I am talking about the Creator of Everything here! He created more galaxies then we have yet to discover! Over such vastness of space that we cannot comprehend it! He has also created things so small that only in the last few decades have wee been able to see them. Down to atoms and molecules, and possibly beyond. We cannot even explain what holds the protons, neutrons and electrons together; nor can we explain where all the matter in space came from. If I remember right, there is an estimated 10x178 (if I wrote the scientific short hand correct) atoms in the galaxy. Let me put that another way.
There are believed to be this many 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in the universe at least! Now tell me, why would He, in the beginning of time, only make people six or so feet tall? We already have evidence of bugs which are very small today being humongous in the past. Why not people? And since everything worked at such peak efficiency, we could live a very long time as well. Heard of Methuselah? He lived 969 years. Well guess what, we were originally made to live forever! If the average life expantancy today is around 70 years (give or take a few), yet the Bible says that people used to live over 900, why couldn't they have been that much bigger physically as well? I can't even remember my original point now, there is so much I can talk about in the beginning.
I've had people tell me that humans being over thirty feet tall in the past is a bit of a stretch. Well now I'm saying, is it? Did you read any of what I just wrote? Back to what I said in the beginning of this post. Do you believe in an Almighty Creator who can do all that? If you can and do, then you can also believe that we were bigger (and smarter, and healther, ect.) in the past. We have degerated since then. So has the atmosphere (was that my original point?); and that is just one small reason as to why we are in such a sorry state today. In the beginning, we were made the the grand scale of the Creator. Our bodies were very large and strong, our minds were powerful and fully active, we could live for such length of time that we can't even comprehend it today, we lived in a place that had such rich and abundant access to food and nourishment, and we were very close to the Creator. I am talking about before the Fall. Alright, you can stop imagining now.
Oh wait, you weren't imagining. You simply saw a glimpse of the splendour of the Creator, and what He has done in the past.
If you truly believe the Bible and all it says, then you believe that before there was time there was the Almighty. If you truly believe the Bible, you will believe that by merely speaking the Almighty created time, the laws of physics, the entire light spectrum; all the stars, nebualaes, galaxies in the universe; the angels and other heavenly beings along with the master pieces that we see in the heavens; and so much more!
Not only did the Almighty create it all, He created it perfect. He used the atmosphere to protect us from the deadly radiation of outer space by making it thicker and having a different combination of gases, and it was this atmosphere which also would have allowed the plants to grow bigger, faster, and richer than they have anytime since. The entire world would likely have been close to places such as the Amazon today. Except... there would be no annoying and deadly creatures, poisenous plants, or dangerous diseases. There would also have likely have been even more plants.
I feel I should explain the atmosphere some more. I don't have all the science know how, nor do I have the links and such for now, but if you feel you need to verify what I say, you can find the research. I am just pulling the knowledge from my head; most of this I got from books though. So not some random stuff I read on the internet. I will also be using logic and common sense based off of a Biblical perspective. That is why I began this post the way I did, so that when I mention things others say are impossible, you need only remember what the Creator has done.
So, the atmosphere. Well, it is believed (I'll use that term for modesty, though I believe it is a well known fact by most scientists) that there used to be many more green house gases in the atmosphere, as well as oxygen. That sounds almost like simply making the air denser. Scientists also have found evidence that the atmosphere was thicker in the past. There have been experiments, however, of what an atmosphere like this does. If you want to look up research for this, just look up "Hyperbaric Atmosphere" or something. That is what I believe it was like during the beginning of creation. It has been proved (meaning actually been done to real people) that a hyperbaric atmosphere can speed up the rate of healing and provide almost action-film like energy to people. There have been instances of both people and animals who were injured to such an extant that it was believed nothing could be done. So, they simply stuck them in a hyperbaric chamber. The body took care of itself from there.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that we did have a hyperbaric atmosphere in the past. Just as it has such an effect on people and animals, it has a strong effect on plants. The plants would have been HUGE! There would have been so many, and they would have been so healthy, plus the superpower like atmosphere, everything could have grown very large and lived very long. I believe that people grew to be over thirty feet tall in this period and for hundreds of years after. You think that sounds over the top? You simple minded people! I am talking about the Creator of Everything here! He created more galaxies then we have yet to discover! Over such vastness of space that we cannot comprehend it! He has also created things so small that only in the last few decades have wee been able to see them. Down to atoms and molecules, and possibly beyond. We cannot even explain what holds the protons, neutrons and electrons together; nor can we explain where all the matter in space came from. If I remember right, there is an estimated 10x178 (if I wrote the scientific short hand correct) atoms in the galaxy. Let me put that another way.
There are believed to be this many 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in the universe at least! Now tell me, why would He, in the beginning of time, only make people six or so feet tall? We already have evidence of bugs which are very small today being humongous in the past. Why not people? And since everything worked at such peak efficiency, we could live a very long time as well. Heard of Methuselah? He lived 969 years. Well guess what, we were originally made to live forever! If the average life expantancy today is around 70 years (give or take a few), yet the Bible says that people used to live over 900, why couldn't they have been that much bigger physically as well? I can't even remember my original point now, there is so much I can talk about in the beginning.
I've had people tell me that humans being over thirty feet tall in the past is a bit of a stretch. Well now I'm saying, is it? Did you read any of what I just wrote? Back to what I said in the beginning of this post. Do you believe in an Almighty Creator who can do all that? If you can and do, then you can also believe that we were bigger (and smarter, and healther, ect.) in the past. We have degerated since then. So has the atmosphere (was that my original point?); and that is just one small reason as to why we are in such a sorry state today. In the beginning, we were made the the grand scale of the Creator. Our bodies were very large and strong, our minds were powerful and fully active, we could live for such length of time that we can't even comprehend it today, we lived in a place that had such rich and abundant access to food and nourishment, and we were very close to the Creator. I am talking about before the Fall. Alright, you can stop imagining now.
Oh wait, you weren't imagining. You simply saw a glimpse of the splendour of the Creator, and what He has done in the past.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
That oh so common comment you see on just about everything these days. Everyone is so happy to be the first to comment on something that all they can think of to say is "first". But, since this is my first post, I decided to name it just that.
I decided to make this my more intellectual, or philosophical, blog. My other is more science fiction with a comedic edge. This will be about deeper, more serious stuff.
So, the thought that made me finally decide to start this blog:
Yes, very deep, serious, intellectual and philosophical, I know. I just came off a fast this morning, and my mind was going over our society's view of food and everything involved with it. You want to know what I came to realize? Almost everything involving food in these modern days (in America I know) is sinful and just wrong. We eat to much, to often, and we eat stuff that is so far removed from the way the Almighty created it that it isn't even funny. Yet, we say all this is healthy!
Let me explain further, laconic speech won't help to much with any controversial subject I bring up. We live in a society that says homosexuality, nudity, sex before marriage, bribery, disrespect, thievery, adultery, idolatry, and so much more is acceptable, and christians try their best to stay out of that and usually disagree with the world's view and that stuff (unfortunately, many christians are giving in). We live in a society that has taken the Creator out of as much of the created as possible, perverted everything they can, yet we still say their views on food and health are correct! But we say their views on morality are not... hmm, something seems wrong to me.
If the Creator wanted the Creation to stay healthy, why would he make health attainable by technology only available, at most, two times so far in history (one of those times is today, the other in ancient history. A subject for another post)? What about all those thousands of years where people were still living in little wood houses and using axes to chop wood for heat? They didn't have all the processing equipment to make our modern, "healthy" food. Why would anyone do something that stupid? Lead alone the All Powerful, All Knowing Creator of the Universe? No, he made it so we could be perfectly (at least as perfect as we can be in the fallen world) healthy without the aid of modern processing technology.
Let's start from the beginning. When He, the Creator, created the world, everything was a vegetarian. Also, everything was more efficient. We were protected from the harmful rays coming from outer space, had a thicker and more energizing atmosphere, had higher quality soil, ect.... making all the plants unbelievably healthy compared to anything today. Every living beast of the earth and foul of the air, as well as man, could get all the nutrients they needed from eating these plants in their natural form. There are some theories that they could have eaten fish too, something about the word for life describing fish as opposed to describing other animals being different in Greek and therefore fish weren't alive in a certain way, but I'll keep it simple and just say everything was a vegetarian in the beginning. No cooking or processing required, other than that which the body did naturally during digestion.
Move forward to after the fall. Death and degradation came into the world. Carnivores started appearing (the animals already existed before, they just ate plants; possibly a subject for another post), and in an estimated less than 1700 years, there was the flood. During that time, the world hadn't degraded, or "died" enough that we needed to eat animal products at all. We still had the protection from space, the thick atmosphere, really good soil, good plants, ect. It was still similar to the way things were when they were made "very good". Of course, sin was rampant, but biologically things were a lot closer to the beginning then they were today.
Then the flood happened. It fundamentally changed the entire world. Some of our protection from space was gone (and continues to deteriorate today), the atmosphere had changed, and several plants that might have fed us the right mix of nutrients possibly went extinct, amongst many other things that happened after the flood. Something interesting I noticed was, immediately after the flood receded and Noah and his family were back on dry land, was the fact that the All Knowing told them they could eat animals now. I realized, just hours before typing all this, that this was probably because He knew they could no longer get the all their required nutrients from plant matter alone. So mankind was allowed meat, by the Law of the Creator, for the first time.
Fast forward an estimated 4,300 years to today. The quality of the food has degraded so much it makes me want to laugh! Why do we think that processing it by man's methods will make it better than it grew under the Creator's Laws? If anything, the farther from the beginning we get, the less we should process the food, not more. You want to know why we do it? Because the Enemy, Satan, wants to remove the Almighty out of even the food we eat! Including, how we eat it! That, along with so much else stuff, all of which relating to sin, is why we eat both so much food and food of such low, processed quality. I'm not saying that eating a twinkie is a sin, per se, but the fact that we have so far removed food from the way it was created with purpose, and the fact that we eat much more than we need to, is the sin.
I realized another aspect of this when I was whittling down a secret stash of candy I had. I was eating a reese's egg, taking little bites and savoring the taste of each as long as I could. It took my probably three minutes to eat that one reese's, and it was very enjoyable. I was thinking of eating a second, when I realized if I did it would be gluttonous, selfish, and therefore sinful. I was shocked at that revalation, and decided not to have another. Then I thought over how everyone else eats. I realized it was very sinful as well. We eat far more than we need to, far more often, and we appreciate it very little.
The best part? If we ate our food the way the All Knowing, All Powerful, All Existing Creator meant us to, we would not eat to much, we would not eat to often, and what we ate would be the highest, undefiled quality we could get. Wait a minute... that sounds a lot like a few diets I've heard about; such as the Paleo diet, The Primal Blueprint, Spartan Health Regimen, ect... All of these encourage eating things in their natural state and not eating more than necessary. This philospy sounds very good to me. Eat as the Creator meant us to eat. But, why do so many people refuse to do this, or worse yet, even call this unhealthy!? Because, we have tried to remove the Creator out of everything He created. Including our diets.
If you have any questions, comments, anything, just leave a comment. I have more thoughts on several other things, so keep watching!
I decided to make this my more intellectual, or philosophical, blog. My other is more science fiction with a comedic edge. This will be about deeper, more serious stuff.
So, the thought that made me finally decide to start this blog:
Yes, very deep, serious, intellectual and philosophical, I know. I just came off a fast this morning, and my mind was going over our society's view of food and everything involved with it. You want to know what I came to realize? Almost everything involving food in these modern days (in America I know) is sinful and just wrong. We eat to much, to often, and we eat stuff that is so far removed from the way the Almighty created it that it isn't even funny. Yet, we say all this is healthy!
Let me explain further, laconic speech won't help to much with any controversial subject I bring up. We live in a society that says homosexuality, nudity, sex before marriage, bribery, disrespect, thievery, adultery, idolatry, and so much more is acceptable, and christians try their best to stay out of that and usually disagree with the world's view and that stuff (unfortunately, many christians are giving in). We live in a society that has taken the Creator out of as much of the created as possible, perverted everything they can, yet we still say their views on food and health are correct! But we say their views on morality are not... hmm, something seems wrong to me.
If the Creator wanted the Creation to stay healthy, why would he make health attainable by technology only available, at most, two times so far in history (one of those times is today, the other in ancient history. A subject for another post)? What about all those thousands of years where people were still living in little wood houses and using axes to chop wood for heat? They didn't have all the processing equipment to make our modern, "healthy" food. Why would anyone do something that stupid? Lead alone the All Powerful, All Knowing Creator of the Universe? No, he made it so we could be perfectly (at least as perfect as we can be in the fallen world) healthy without the aid of modern processing technology.
Let's start from the beginning. When He, the Creator, created the world, everything was a vegetarian. Also, everything was more efficient. We were protected from the harmful rays coming from outer space, had a thicker and more energizing atmosphere, had higher quality soil, ect.... making all the plants unbelievably healthy compared to anything today. Every living beast of the earth and foul of the air, as well as man, could get all the nutrients they needed from eating these plants in their natural form. There are some theories that they could have eaten fish too, something about the word for life describing fish as opposed to describing other animals being different in Greek and therefore fish weren't alive in a certain way, but I'll keep it simple and just say everything was a vegetarian in the beginning. No cooking or processing required, other than that which the body did naturally during digestion.
Move forward to after the fall. Death and degradation came into the world. Carnivores started appearing (the animals already existed before, they just ate plants; possibly a subject for another post), and in an estimated less than 1700 years, there was the flood. During that time, the world hadn't degraded, or "died" enough that we needed to eat animal products at all. We still had the protection from space, the thick atmosphere, really good soil, good plants, ect. It was still similar to the way things were when they were made "very good". Of course, sin was rampant, but biologically things were a lot closer to the beginning then they were today.
Then the flood happened. It fundamentally changed the entire world. Some of our protection from space was gone (and continues to deteriorate today), the atmosphere had changed, and several plants that might have fed us the right mix of nutrients possibly went extinct, amongst many other things that happened after the flood. Something interesting I noticed was, immediately after the flood receded and Noah and his family were back on dry land, was the fact that the All Knowing told them they could eat animals now. I realized, just hours before typing all this, that this was probably because He knew they could no longer get the all their required nutrients from plant matter alone. So mankind was allowed meat, by the Law of the Creator, for the first time.
Fast forward an estimated 4,300 years to today. The quality of the food has degraded so much it makes me want to laugh! Why do we think that processing it by man's methods will make it better than it grew under the Creator's Laws? If anything, the farther from the beginning we get, the less we should process the food, not more. You want to know why we do it? Because the Enemy, Satan, wants to remove the Almighty out of even the food we eat! Including, how we eat it! That, along with so much else stuff, all of which relating to sin, is why we eat both so much food and food of such low, processed quality. I'm not saying that eating a twinkie is a sin, per se, but the fact that we have so far removed food from the way it was created with purpose, and the fact that we eat much more than we need to, is the sin.
I realized another aspect of this when I was whittling down a secret stash of candy I had. I was eating a reese's egg, taking little bites and savoring the taste of each as long as I could. It took my probably three minutes to eat that one reese's, and it was very enjoyable. I was thinking of eating a second, when I realized if I did it would be gluttonous, selfish, and therefore sinful. I was shocked at that revalation, and decided not to have another. Then I thought over how everyone else eats. I realized it was very sinful as well. We eat far more than we need to, far more often, and we appreciate it very little.
The best part? If we ate our food the way the All Knowing, All Powerful, All Existing Creator meant us to, we would not eat to much, we would not eat to often, and what we ate would be the highest, undefiled quality we could get. Wait a minute... that sounds a lot like a few diets I've heard about; such as the Paleo diet, The Primal Blueprint, Spartan Health Regimen, ect... All of these encourage eating things in their natural state and not eating more than necessary. This philospy sounds very good to me. Eat as the Creator meant us to eat. But, why do so many people refuse to do this, or worse yet, even call this unhealthy!? Because, we have tried to remove the Creator out of everything He created. Including our diets.
If you have any questions, comments, anything, just leave a comment. I have more thoughts on several other things, so keep watching!
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